Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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well, either that, or a big ass pizza :biggrin: ppp
That settles it. I’m going to get my medicinal pizza card :smokeit:

Afternoon Kittens. Dr. visit yesterday went good, he had no idea Losartan could have those kind of side effects and had to look them up. First day back on Lisinipril which never gave me any troubles. Hoping the pain goes away soon cause this doing nothing crap fvcking sucks.
The shiitake's are getting bigger but still got some green on the log, won't be long to grab a couple for cloning then toss the log.....don't need that green shit in the house. Still no growth on the other edible mushrooms......the not so edible mushrooms are doing good and the Equadors should be ready for fruiting soon.
Hope a great day is had by all. :bighug:
:face:I’m sure I’ll regret this but it’s no more work then searching for a gif:doh::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Ya i thought same thing but I couldn’t find a gif to incorporate that relayed that sentiment or i woulda added it into first post! Actually easier cuz iphone i should be able to highlight and hit translate! Guess i will go try right quick! ;)
Gonna have to give that one a shot one of these days :headbang: thanks amigro :d5::lildab:
I’ve been saying for a while now I need to order more Banana Bread I’m out of that and 99 skunks I only have a couple left. But every time I go to do it I find more then I can afford cause they all sound so good. Both the strains I grew if theirs was super frosty. Really kicking my self in the ass for not getting them for Black Friday they were 30% off.
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