Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Thanks for the advice, I'll check that out.

I moved the seed to a moist paper towel and put it in a ziplock and then set it on top of my humidity dome.

Well, somehow it get knocked off and straight onto the seed starting mat last night. I found it when I got up this morning.

However, the seed has opened! So maybe it needed a little warmth.
Sounds like it.
When I first started growing autos, I had a similar issue. Now my process goes "Seed into ph'd water until it sinks from a light touch, then into whatever I'm starting it in, then onto the edge of a half closed heating vent".

...unless I'm being lazy. Then it's just seed into wet Coco with a humidity dome.
Good morning everyone.

Well, I got great news yesterday. I got the warehouse job I applied for...
Which means I'll be growing again soon.
So, one of my many plans is start with something quick yet high yielding, Then pop a monster.
What's the biggest auto of 2023, So far, that wasn't under "laboratory growing conditions"?
Thanks for the rep, Mossy!
Well, I got great news yesterday. I got the warehouse job I applied for...
Which means I'll be growing again soon.
So, one of my many plans is start with something quick yet high yielding, Then pop a monster.
What's the biggest auto of 2023, So far, that wasn't under "laboratory growing conditions"?

Congrats on the new job!

Biggest stuff I've seen grown is on the autoflowers subreddit, some dude growing gnome and night owl stuff getting MASSIVE plants.
Congrats on the new job!

Biggest stuff I've seen grown is on the autoflowers subreddit, some dude growing gnome and night owl stuff getting MASSIVE plants.
I've grown Gnome stuff before. Think I still have some LokiOG and Alf #5 seeds stashed somewhere.
I absolutely loved everything about those strains.

I was actually thinking about popping one with my faster one since they take about a month longer to finish.
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