Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Sorry to hear @Frankthetank :bighug: ...Big Hugs is the Best I can offer.

Yes...the worst part is not knowing the Trigger...coz there is no Control over when where it happens.

For is the climate. I watch night temps like a hawk to know my vunerable times.

I know it is not Much....but it might be somehwere to Start....:headbang:...

For me...I Lose Tolerance....I can't cope with the ordinary every day stresses...for Might be triggering your PTSD by breaking down the wall you ordinarilly hold it back with.......:pass:

I Hope it passes soon for you. :bighug:
Good morning Auntie :bighug: :pass:

Yeah, the worst part of the situation for me, is it’s been so long since I’ve had an episode like this one in particular, is you’re never totally sure what it is….is it ptsd related? Heart attack? Related to my kidney disease? So new and horrific thing that I don’t even know about yet?!? :rofl:

There’s confusion, chest pains, racing thoughts, increased pain, numb extremities, time distortion….all the fun stuff lol

Oh well, today’s a new day I suppose.
I Did say I worried with you moving to a colder climate that you would trigger more or earlier.......:pass:
Very true….although I couldn’t stay in the town I left to come here. The ever rising taxes forced me to make the decision to try and hang on while struggling, or sell for a nice profit and seek a more affordable place to call home. I chose the latter, and believe it was a good decision. Yes, the weather is less than ideal….but the warm places are unaffordable at the moment. :pass:
Thanks for the rep @Mossy @Heart of flowers noted :toke::thanks:

@JM you travel.......?.......:eyebrows:......I Need a Bush Trim......:vibe:........

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This is my Prize ATM...Finger Lime.....I got 2 different ones for me wedding anniversay.....coz I didn't know which to choose.....:vibe: ...I would have chosen the smaller more compact one....and I would have been wrong...:biggrin:

Coz that ain't in flower..................................yet...........

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Have you put UREA in...that 46% nitrogen feed our farmer told us to get is Urea.....:headbang:....

To spain in winter? YES!!!!! lol
Just let me go change out... was adding 55 gallon drums for humidfier for grow tents... but I'll switch out to 1000 gallon! Looks like I'm going to Spain for 4 months... rofl!

That tree is gorgeous!!!! You're so lucky!

No, no ureae... I would NEVER put 46-0-0 on anything... compromises myco and bacterial communities for the REST of the growing season...
Instead I used this in a living soil mix:

It's my soil base mix for everything now... THEN I add foliar feeds and innoculants...

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