Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Crazy, right? Being that its a Mars Hydro light and all. Lol.

I think its ok for now, its not like I move my light a lot. We'll see how it goes, but if they keep popping out, I'll figure out a solution, and I have some thumb screws in a screw kit for PCs, so it would be easy to just drill and tap some spots for them.
That is apparently just your size light cuz my Mars light has wingnuts to hold strips in place! U can even choose the amount of spacing between the strips! ;)
They make D and C adapters for AAs that you can put like 3 or 4 of them inside.

Its so you can use rechargeable AA's in a D or C battery slot.
Yup, rechargeables are the cheapest option in the longer run, whether the normal size or adapted combos of smaller ones. Good catch! :pighug:
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