Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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My new light came today! It wasn't supposed to come until Wednesday.



Its slightly yellower light than my viparspectra light. But its very noticeably brighter, too.

It took about 15 minutes to follow the directions and snap it all together. However, I wish the light bars had some sort of set screw for attaching to the frame instead of just a plastic clip, because it doesn't seem like it holds very well and any amount of flexing the light frame does, causes the 2 middle ones to pop out.

But, I feel like for $220 it was a steal. The lights themselves, the driver and all of the electrical cords are extremely over-engineered.

Hubbys piss taking Friend had that played at his funeral....if he had primed us..... :biggrin: ..he could have had a flash mob of 60-80 year olds singing and dancing to it......

You could See people actively holding it and a friend were giving each other the eye to kick it off ...and if we had..the others woud have followed....But...

the family was there...and we held back incase they were upset by it......he would have Loved it.............:crying:

Smart friend. Laughter is sometimes the only defence. :pighug:
Am thinkin (there i go again) that it's about time to slap up an avatar. I hesitate. Every time that i try to do something 'computer-ish' , the effort turns into an hour long session of frustration, ending with a cry for honey to rescue me.

@Nannymouse ....

Go up to Your avatar on the top of the page......





Press Choose File........and press okay when you have the right one..........:headbang:
cheaper by far to just use AA's IMO. Why would you want to use a lower capacity battery in a higher demand device when the proper battery is pretty much the same price, and sometimes more expensive. Or perhaps I have been had again. Hard this time of the morning some days... :pighug:
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