Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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Thrips suck. Aphids are easier. And looking at his journal, his plants are still vegging, no signs of damage, and not mentioned, so gotta be a new issue and totally fixable. Either aphids or thrips, treatment is the same at this point... @DDubs You still got that recipe for lost coast? Pluck the leaves where you see the action and toss em, check the undersides. Spray whole plant with the lost coast stuff 3x in a week, then weekly for a couple and you should be good. This applies for every plant that you've got going :pass:
Aphids and thrips look similar in larval stage of life; what does the damage on the plant looks like? White spots tends to indicate one more than the other, but would like to see.
White spots. I just noticed them on a couple leaves this morning. I took right to spraying them with dish soap and water. Making sure to get all if the underside of the leaves wet and rubbing it in. I'll grab a photo of the damage in a min.

Thanks for weighing in @Son of Hobbes
Good Morfnoevight All you Happy Sunday Live Stoners.

Thanks for the info as always I do appreciate you!

..But... the last time I had a problem with something, You specifically and (I think) @Waira blamed my soil. I was told by you something along the lines of: fox farms is way too hot and inconsistent and I hadn't been growing long enough to see it. @Waira said "I wouldn't let my cat shit in fox farms" :crying: :crying:
... if I go back far enough I'll find it but Its not that serious :pass:.

I only attempted the grow dots with happy frog cause I've seen others here have success.. 15g per gallon of soil. Are you saying that's a no go?

I haven't changed anything I'm doing for me to have 2 plants just randomly dud out on me like that. Not saying its not my fault, just something new for me.

I have made it this far with 0 stunted seedling issues so I'm obviously learning something around here! :rofl::shrug:

EDIT: was @Waira not @Vapo , my bad.
Oh don't get me wrong FF has had more than their fair share of quality control issues. When I believe they are at fault I will say so, and it could be a contributing factor in your case. Making different nutrient/soil layers is problematic. Roots take in all of the nutrients along the entire system. They do not "grow into the ones they want". they generally grow to water and down. When the roots hit soil that is to high in nutrient content they can implode from the osmotic pressure forcing water out of the roots. It is commonly described as transplant shock, the top dies back. Most plants will adapt and continue to grow depending on their genetics.


Everytime I water?

Okay how often should I add cal mag? My tap water comes out around 204ppm so not sure if my tap water has enough or ill need to add more.

You need to know how much of that PPM is calcium because the part that is carbonate is not available to the plant. Scheck to see if you can get a water quality test from your provider.

oopz, forgot to mention that -> i also happen to be the grand master of growin "4 gram specialz" :king: :biggrin: ppp

That would depress the hell out of me, since I grow indoors and 3 months of my life for 4gr, OMG!
Uhhmm I have had 100% crop failures for 0g. Driving to the dispensary will make you a better farmer It does not matter how good of a farmer you are shit will happen.

Cuz I haven’t been topdressing lately cuz i was too lazy to pull out a chain of drippers from the blumats! Why i am swapping to drip tape cuz it lifts up in 1 loop! Also haven’t been using the earthboxes just regular pots cuz i could fit more!

These were earthbox plants! ;)
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I don't see anything hungry in there. :drool:
Good Morfnoevight All you Happy Sunday Live Stoners.

Oh don't get me wrong FF has had more than their fair share of quality control issues. When I believe they are at fault I will say so, and it could be a contributing factor in your case. Making different nutrient/soil layers is problematic. Roots take in all of the nutrients along the entire system. They do not "grow into the ones they want". they generally grow to water and down. When the roots hit soil that is to high in nutrient content they can implode from the osmotic pressure forcing water out of the roots. It is commonly described as transplant shock, the top dies back. Most plants will adapt and continue to grow depending on their genetics.

You need to know how much of that PPM is calcium because the part that is carbonate is not available to the plant. Scheck to see if you can get a water quality test from your provider.

Uhhmm I have had 100% crop failures for 0g. Driving to the dispensary will make you a better farmer It does not matter how good of a farmer you are shit will happen.

I don't see anything hungry in there. :drool:
Ya that was the point! I was advertising earthboxes for their ease cuz of how well the plants do! Its been my current grows using blumats and water only where i had issues from lack of topdressing to supplement their dietary needs! :doh::rofl:
Time to say adios to the heirloom strain, Texada Timewarp :toke: She's my horse in the OD photo comp this year.
click here If you want to read the back story of this strain :joy: Has quite the history :thumbsup:

Anyways, the fall rains start for real tomorrow, with at least a 50% chance of rain for the next two weeks. So chop time it is. :tang:

Only given gnome veg and bloom juice that brews in buckets from plants on the property, plus some alfalfa meal added to to the veg and molasses added to the bloom. :smokeit:

Am curious as to the potency of this 50 year old strain, so I'll know in a few weeks :shrug:She a sticky one 😜

TTW 10-8.jpg
Ugh! Found some white spots forming on the leaves of my Wedding Glue. Found these little F'ers hanging out at the base of the leaves. Time to act fast. I'll try soapy water first. Maybe I can still find some ladybugs outside.

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They look more like aphids to me but at this stage it is hard to tell. In any event you don't want them. I would use insecticidal soap and get some ladybugs. be sure to have a couple of smashed wet raisins in a place that the lady bugs can get to.

Just a spritz! It enhances the citrus terpenes and kill bugs.

Is this a joke? What is in that?
Im sure my immune system is crap with all this other stuff going on. Supposedly another new doctor is supposed to call tomorrow cuz when I talked to the last one that screwed up they weren't in a hurry, took me 3 weeks last time as an "emergency case" so I don't know tryna keep my head up. ... and I guess eat more soup

I like mushroom soup when I am sick. Get better Pinky. :pighug:
They look more like aphids to me but at this stage it is hard to tell. In any event you don't want them. I would use insecticidal soap and get some ladybugs. be sure to have a couple of smashed wet raisins in a place that the lady bugs can get to.

Is this a joke? What is in that?

I like mushroom soup when I am sick. Get better Pinky. :pighug:
Thanks @Mañ'O'Green I was working in the yard all day today and scowering around looking for a couple ladybugs to bring in. I found one that I was ablemto relocate. That was it. I'll have to find some of that soap and get to it.
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