Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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No issues with personal preferences, but every one I met was insufferable, and barked or meowed over everyone...ugh....

My problem is that its partially a sexual thing, and then they want to walk around in their fur suit around other people. I can't help but think they are sexually getting off on doing that, and thats kind of messed up.
My problem is that its partially a sexual thing, and then they want to walk around in their fur suit around other people. I can't help but think they are sexually getting off on doing that, and thats kind of messed up.
Im right there with you. My ex had friends who lived that lifestyle and i just couldnt be around them. They were gross, their lifestyle was gross and they never could afford anything but always had new $2k fur suits and were not ashamed to asked to be "pet"
Im right there with you. My ex had friends who lived that lifestyle and i just couldnt be around them. They were gross, their lifestyle was gross and they never could afford anything but always had new $2k fur suits and were not ashamed to asked to be "pet"

I think it bothered me the most when I took my kids to a Renn Fest. We had a great time, but towards the end, someone was wearing this bright blue furry outfit and just walking around. Everyone was staring at them. Obviously it didn't fit the vibe at all. And it just seemed like the person in the suit WANTED that attention, they wanted the stares and stuff.

What people do behind closed doors is fine. But when you bring your fetish out around regular people, thats where I start getting bothered.
@JM Pure Crop 1 is a pesticide and fungicide granted it is organic but it invalidates your claim of NO pesticide use, but I like it and you did a great job of aphid clean-up!

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Ok, that's totally fair... but lets be clear on the ingredients... which are not chemicals designed to kill pests... The only reason theyc an make that claim in the US is they went through the process of proving efficacy... So through bossting immunity without pesticides is really what I meant. But you are correct. Honestly, I think I didn't even need the pure crop, it was just another lvel of insurance in the above "synergistic stack" so to speak.
cheers! :smokeout:
These sure look like nanners which means I’m about to be pretty pissed off. This would be the second 24 Carat out of three that were ordered in one packs as that’s all that was available at the time. 30 days of love and care all to shit. I have a calm and chill disposition but this shit pisses me off.
I think it bothered me the most when I took my kids to a Renn Fest. We had a great time, but towards the end, someone was wearing this bright blue furry outfit and just walking around. Everyone was staring at them. Obviously it didn't fit the vibe at all. And it just seemed like the person in the suit WANTED that attention, they wanted the stares and stuff.

What people do behind closed doors is fine. But when you bring your fetish out around regular people, thats where I start getting bothered.
Thats what they all want is attention, doesn't matter if its good or bad, they just want attention. Its part of the reason it was easy to end my relationship with my ex cuz she would defend these people and their personal choices, but I was the bad guy for hating every bit of it.
I don't remember who was having the bug issue a few hours ago, the little white bugs all over their plants.

But I was going to suggest Sevin. Its an insecticide. Its safe for fruit plants, and I did some googling and it looks like quite a few cannabis people say its safe as long as you aren't in flower.
These sure look like nanners which means I’m about to be pretty pissed off. This would be the second 24 Carat out of three that were ordered in one packs as that’s all that was available at the time. 30 days of love and care all to shit. I have a calm and chill disposition but this shit pisses me off.
View attachment 1649710
You are correct. Male flowers
You are correct. Male flowers
Yeah it’s gonna suck balls carrying it out to the trash bin. What a waste of time and money again on the same strain. I just ordered 3 but I guess I’ll just throw those in the friggin trash too
Ok, that's totally fair... but lets be clear on the ingredients... which are not chemicals designed to kill pests... The only reason theyc an make that claim in the US is they went through the process of proving efficacy... So through bossting immunity without pesticides is really what I meant. But you are correct. Honestly, I think I didn't even need the pure crop, it was just another lvel of insurance in the above "synergistic stack" so to speak.
cheers! :smokeout:
A rock or a shoe is a pesticide depending on how you use them :pass: Naturals oils and citric acid aren't pesticides in my book :gassy:
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