Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '23

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You got what worked for you. That's what counts.:headbang:

Now, what I do question is the quality of the other tents. I really haven't seen any design Or material changes since I bought my Mars 2x4 tent 2yrs ago this next month.. Plain and simple, the material of the Mars tents and I suspect Vivosun to be similar, are just NOT the same quality as the Gorilla. The stitching in the Mars tent is very subpar to the Gorilla. After using Vivo circulation fans and exhaust fans I don't think I would give their tents much of a chance to buy, personally.

I correlate the tents like choosing between Chevrolet and Cadillac when I was a kid. Are you willing to pay more money for a better product?

I know that if I were to buy another 4X4 tent or larger, It would not be Mars or Vivosun. Material specs do come into play, but the most important thing on that size of tent is the design.

Don't get me wrong! I do quite like my two Mars tents! They are plainly just not the same quality of tent.

These videos and what other had said here is what made my decision. I get and understand that they maybe better quality but twice the quality i find hard to believe. The real eye opener was the reflectivity I always assumed that all tents were equal in that regard but it is not the case

I'm on hold with them right now. From what I gathered, there are no brick and mortar sites to this company.
I really don't think they're gonna be able to help me. With progressive lenses, you really have to mark the focal point pretty accurately to get a decent set of progressive lenses to work properly.

No they are online only I have really bad vision but just far away so I don't have those type of lenses. I would think your optometrist should give that information with your prescription but I have no clue
Good Morfnoevight All you happy Monday Live Stoners!

Went down hard with an IBS attack yesterday :cuss: Remember the last batch of chicken breakfast sausage? I did not get enough spice in it so I was trying to spice it up a bit with some chili oil yesterday, 3 hours later I am bent over in pain, my metabolism slows and I get very cold. All I can do is bundle up and wait for it to pass. The big problem I have with chilies is that some don't cause me any reaction while others are vicious!

Fuck Walmart
Yes I have seen that in the parking lot of Walmart several times! You just never know what a trip to Wally world will present: :rofl:
I have sent i tink 4 times:p can you write to me ?:p
I think new Members cannot use the Private Mail system until they reach a number of posts, I don't remember the number.
Well Hell! At least I got a clean Bill of Health on my eyes from the optometrist! :headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:

What I wasn't ready for was the price of the glasses!:face::grrr1::grrr1::grrr1::grrr1::grrr1::grrr1:

Now, granted, my glasses are not just plain simple glasses. Due to the prescription and being progressive lenses, I need to make things as light as possible with the lenses and the frame itself. Not cheap!

Eyeglasses industry has been using insurance for so long, their prices are just absolutely ridiculous without insurance. With three places that I've checked so far, we're talking about $750 to $850. That is for one set of regular eyeglasses that would be worn most of the time and a simple pair of sunglasses.

Yeah I went a little long on getting new glasses, a little over five years. But pretty damn close to double when I paid the last time is a little ridiculous!

And they're always giving that stupid marketing spiel about either "40% off" or "Buy one get one free" BULLSHIT!

Well enough ranting! Gotta eat lunch and then do some shaking with some cannabis!
I have the same type of glasses with the same "way too expensive" price but they got me by the balls - eyeballs!
Zenni is OUT! They might have cheap prices for simple prescriptions, but the idiot that I got on the phone, that made it quite obviously that English is her second language, Has no idea what progressive lenses are in actuality and what you have to do to get a functioning set of progressive lenses. The focal point of the progressive lenses is quite a bit more important than regular prescriptions . This means it has to be done in person!
"Your Doctor will give you a prescription." Yes lady, the doctor gives everyone a prescription that needs glasses!:face:
There is no way for a doctor to write a prescription with those two points accurately designated! Jesus Christ! I so hate people that just don't know their damn job and how to do it right! I hate dealing with ineptitude!
It was quite obvious that all they have there is a damn call center managed somewhere overseas.

I could see it working quite well with someone with a simple prescription. Regrettably, not mine! The prices were pretty decent!

I still appreciate the effort @Lil Dab !!!!!!!!!:headbang::headbang::pass:
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