It ain't cheap dude, thats for sure. I'm raising 2 of them. Food is insane right now.
A regular grocery trip is a solid $180 to $200 almost every week.
Then you have weeks where everything hits all at once and you have groceries, cleaning supplies, hygiene supplies, and the kids expensive medications all at once.
Not to mention all my bills going up. Spectrum keeps cranking my internet cost up like $5 a year, for absolutely nothing. Although good news is, a local private ISP is installing fiber in my area soon. $80 for symmetrical gigabit internet. I can't wait. $200 if you want 10 gigabit. TEN GIGABIT. How? My network card on my computer isn't even that fast, lol.
Electric. Man, its gone up $20 a month, every month, for the past year. I just hit $490 this month. For a 1300sqft house. But we heat with electric, so I have it on the budget payment play otherwise it would be like $800 in the winter.