Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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So guys since this is gonna be my first go around of sanitation of the entire tent and does one successfully do that. Honestly I dont think Ive seen any literature about it, but Im assuming I could use diluted bleach water solution. Or is there something less gross. I hate the smell of bleach.
I use rubbing alcohol
Have new pics from today! Finally got the doors back up lol

Stuff on the top of the fridge is clean dishes, having to empty the cabinets so I can vacuum them out and wipe them down cause the sawdust literally went everywhere lol. I'm so happy though, it looks so so so much better already! I took the cover off the big light and cleaned that too, apparently it's clear? Lol idk if it's ever been cleaned before but it smelt like dirty rancid oily kind of smell blegh. Light cabinets on top was definitely the right way to go I think! I like how it actually *looks* clean in there now (even though I haven't gotten it 100% cleaned back up yet).
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So guys since this is gonna be my first go around of sanitation of the entire tent and does one successfully do that. Honestly I dont think Ive seen any literature about it, but Im assuming I could use diluted bleach water solution. Or is there something less gross. I hate the smell of bleach.

I use diluted bleach or Lysol spray and also have used ISO too.. some sort of disinfectant and I'd do a double scrub down.... I have been wiping mine down twice after each grow just to be safe:condom:
So guys since this is gonna be my first go around of sanitation of the entire tent and does one successfully do that. Honestly I dont think Ive seen any literature about it, but Im assuming I could use diluted bleach water solution. Or is there something less gross. I hate the smell of bleach.
I go with alcohol and water in a spray bottle and wipe everything down and then a good coating of Lysol. You're gonna need to get everything wet to kill off any pollen including the fans and wires and everything in the tent
Have new pics from today! Finally got the doors back up lol
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Stuff on the top of the fridge is clean dishes, having to empty the cabinets so I can vacuum them out and wipe them down cause the sawdust literally went everywhere lol. I'm so happy though, it looks so so so much better already! I took the cover off the big light and cleaned that too, apparently it's clear? Lol idk if it's ever been cleaned before but it smelt like dirty rancid oily kind of smell blegh. Light cabinets on top was definitely the right way to go I think! I like how it actually *looks* clean in there now (even though I haven't gotten it 100% cleaned back up yet).
Pooch approved :thumbsup: :crying:
I use rubbing alcohol
I didnt even think of that, now in regards to my exhaust, should I worry about trying to clean all the fan blades and stuff inside my components? I just wanna make sure I have all my bases covered when I do this.
After I chop this man/girl down Im gonna move my stuff up to my spare bedroom for the winter, I think conditions started fluctuating too much in the basement.
I didnt even think of that, now in regards to my exhaust, should I worry about trying to clean all the fan blades and stuff inside my components? I just wanna make sure I have all my bases covered when I do this.
After I chop this man/girl down Im gonna move my stuff up to my spare bedroom for the winter, I think conditions started fluctuating too much in the basement.
Yes clean it all and clean it several times! Pollen is a bitch to get rid of! Get you some of the disinfecting bleach wipes and get scented ones! Then don’t stink like bleach and it’s easy to clean everything! :d5:
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