Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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So started gathering stuff to set up a hands off grow since I'm gone from home most of the time.

Among other things, I'm setting up some blumat carrots in pots gravity fed from a reservoir that's fed from a float valve from RO...etc..

What kind of pots are best? I normally prefer fabric pots for the air but not sure if the moisture would be too uneven with blumats. I've seen people use fabric and regular plastic pots, any suggestions, regrets? How about you @Fermented_Fruitz ? I know you rock the carrots
So far, my best hans off grow has been auto[ots, old soil, Osmocote and plain tap water...didn't even do a pH on the last run......doing another now to check viability of it or if it was a "one off" kind of thing...but you do you...
What would really suck, is if I bought all this growing equipment and you were only a block away.

Who said I had any extra? :crying: I have wondered that somedays I am sure I not the only one in my small town growing me and my buddy fide out new people that are growing now all the time
Actually we were pleasantly suspired since their not knockings me out it will <500$ way better then the 1000$ we were planning
Damn...I'm gonna be out 7k between my wife and I..3200 for me, 3900 for her.....hell of a bite out the savings..
Who said I had any extra? :crying: I have wondered that somedays I am sure I not the only one in my small town growing me and my buddy fide out new people that are growing now all the time
There's always extra for a friendly neighbor.

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