Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Well you addressed it for sure but might get little pricey doing multiple bags in goretex:doh: I know I am not cutting up any of my goretex gear:nono:
LOL, I wouldn't cut up any of my goretex gear, lol

I have several yards of gore fabric, this was actually leftovers from another project. I would bet it was no more than 10$ worth of material in this project.
:whew: me either and actually may try to take a break from solo's there fun but need the space and could use more full size plants.. but I am going to 2gallon pots with the coco girls this next run
2 gallon coco will make monsters with many strains. My drobe at the moment is 1 gallon, more or less, and two of the plants are doing their damndest to take over about four square feet each. My WDA and DG would likely be headed for my lights had I not topped them.

I like the control that I have with my current setup with coco, but it sure is a lot more work than soil. The worst of it at the moment is that I think I am chucking more than about 30% of my water supply down the drain as runoff, which since I am now melting snow to get it is a pain in the ass. If I was on town water, I'd be onto an RO system in a heartbeat. :pighug:
making the cup bigger... Hmmm, you might have a point. OTOH, the volume of medium and root ball is the same, just the delivery of nutes is changed. Maybe automatic irrigation ain't fair due to the volume of available nutes? The judges of the grow offs may have to consider all this at some point. If I join one, that is. I'm not really here to compete, so I am unconcerned one way or the other. :biggrin:

Happy soloing peeps, however you deliver yer nutes! :pighug::biggrin:
Yeah, If I'm thinking about joining a competition the parameters would need to be established....I don't see why your idea wouldn't fly, the cup is still the same size, just the delivery method is changed.
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