Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Raining here so I'm hoping no fireworks. They usually only will go off for maybe an hour around midnight. 1 of my dogs gets anxiety attacks from them and somebody has to stay up with him. He'll either pace around the house all night drooling or he gets in the bed and just shakes and vibrates for an hour or 2

Yup...the Massive ones will go off midnight until 1am.....then another 30 minutes to calm the dogs down....:pass:

Gus Used to be okay with them but he is picking the hysteria up from the Princess...sigh....

It is the Only time the both go in the bedroom together.......they want to be with the cave....:headbang:
Good Morfnoevight All you Happy New Year Caturday Stoners!

Take a jab, whatcha think it is? Calcium deficiency?
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The markings are coming on fast, like over the last 48 hours. And to boot, this was my happy Double Grape. The droopy DB dont have it, and the Rootbeer Float is chuggin along and the hell with the other two.

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I think this may actually be a calcium deficiency because you are not showing any signs of too much NPK. The plant looks like it took a sudden growth spurt? Did you change something in the environment like turn the lights up?

Hey afn anyone know I just started doing soak then straight to pot...can I leave the lights out? Till they pop up? Or should I turn lights on? Thanks

I like to run about 50w total of heavy Blue light 24". I run 24/7 until the plants have their first true leaves.

Raining here so I'm hoping no fireworks. They usually only will go off for maybe an hour around midnight. 1 of my dogs gets anxiety attacks from them and somebody has to stay up with him. He'll either pace around the house all night drooling or he gets in the bed and just shakes and vibrates for an hour or 2

You should get a tranquilizer from your Veterinarian.

I did professional fireworks for many years. One of my shows caused a horse to run through a fence and it had to be put down. It was very sad and aside from a bruised hand on an old lady from a clay plug that fell from the sky, way further than the safety zone, it was my only reported accident. I started a few fires:rofl: Seven engines to one of them!


That is me always falling asleep before midnight :crying: I set the alarm.
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