Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Sounds like the guys that taught me. I showed a passion for learning and they put me to work. Like, hard core guerilla growing. 20 plant plots in middle of giant dogwood patches. Hauling bathtubs and plastic drum pots into trees with rope and pulleys. Army crawling thru stinging nettle patch cus the long way is two miles longer. Aluminum frame backpacks with water bladders. Then at harvest, the long night(s) of chopping and stressful travel back… between 25-30lb per season… their mother and baby room was that. A whole room! But the one guys brother lived right next door and he had hooked into his elec… draw was spread between two houses.
Nice and smart too! They had separate grows going up the power lines. Always taking different routes in so as to not beat down too obvious a trail. He was a landscaper so he'd dig a pit up higher and line it to help collect water. They wouldn't harvest till it was a dark night figuring the Leo would be waiting at night to grab them hauling out the goods.
I was lucky as an electrician I had a skill set they badly needed (their wiring was real horror show). So I never had to play the apprentice (lower than whale shit ) to learn.

I had to give the kid credit his father took to the drink, nice guy but he just stopped working to drink all day.
So my brother in law with his 2 brothers help kept that mortgage afloat and pretty much raised and fed his siblings.
Yeah, fall weather here is usually wet, the bigger issue is that last summer the USPS installed a new post office just across the road from my house, we used to have very little traffic around the house, but now everyone and their grandma drives by the side of the house that has sunshine, far too many snooping eyes, I put three auto plants out in my little above ground garden last summer and caught several people on the game camera checking out the plants by flashlight at 3am......harvested right after that!!!!!
Wow that sucks. Im lucky the back yard surrounded by woods and I always plant tomatoes cukes and peppers especially where they can be seen from the street. Gives them some wall dressing so when they see me outdoors gardening everything looks copestatic. Plus I love gardening and fresh vegetables lol.
And for you the bad part is if they saw it once ya know they're gonna look again and people have big mouths
Wow that sucks. Im lucky the back yard surrounded by woods and I always plant tomatoes cukes and peppers especially where they can be seen from the street. Gives them some wall dressing so when they see me outdoors gardening everything looks copestatic. Plus I love gardening and fresh vegetables lol.
And for you the bad part is if they saw it once ya know they're gonna look again and people have big mouths
They were surrounded by tomato and catnip plants, but once they started to stretch and flower they were as obvious as the nose on your face, LOL I was thinking one of those freakshow plants would be a better low profile outdoor grow plant.
They were surrounded by tomato and catnip plants, but once they started to stretch and flower they were as obvious as the nose on your face, LOL I was thinking one of those freakshow plants would be a better low profile outdoor grow plant.
Maybe 1 new plant and a prudent addition of poison ivy all around it just for giggles hahahaha
They were surrounded by tomato and catnip plants, but once they started to stretch and flower they were as obvious as the nose on your face, LOL I was thinking one of those freakshow plants would be a better low profile outdoor grow plant.
I wanna grow freakshow but pretty sure it gets really big. Plus its expensive.
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