Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Thanks for the Reps everyone. I do feel better today. I am hopeing I have figured out the latest IBS trigger and can avoid it. I am really hungry and that is a good sign.

If you are growing in true live soil 7 gallons is all you need for a water only grow. If you are feeding salts you can get by with a 3 gallon pot and your yields should rely on genetics not the pot size.

Your light quantity and quality will have a major role in yield. It may be the single most important input.

This was grown hydroponically in a 6 inch rock wool cube or about 1 gallon.
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I have done many many different types of NYE celebrations, worked in the family bar for ~20 years and served countless drunks, I have done Las Vegas shows and room specials - drunken orgy (not plants). I took my wife to Hawaii to propose to her. Now days we just stay home. The DUI laws are so punitive it is not worth the chance and there are simply too many amateur drunks out on that night.

It is all about the quality of life while you are alive. All of the forever chemicals we put in our bodies effects us in ways we and science don't fully understand.

I am so fucked up already I surely do not need to pile it on!

Gavita is a well known brand of HID lamps and fixtures I am not familiar with the LEDs. Negative sellers turn me off and I generally do not buy from them. If a product is not as good don't even bring it up.

I don't remember who has the Jeep troubles?

RockAuto is a great source for parts.

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Reading the installation info: The system seems to have a lot of failure points. It may be prudent to use an experienced mechanic that will guarantee the system will function as designed when they are done.
I've worked on several different systems. Even the most simple systems have many failure points. The more complicated have to communicate with a few other systems. Miscommunication or faults in those systems can cause havoc.
When I was working on anything that came thru the door, I had a subscription to AllData to get troubleshooting and repair info.
I scored a few different mfg factory diag machines that paid for themselves the first time I used them.
There are some great aftermarket machines out there that can do some amazing things, but you must know what you're getting into or you can blow a ton of $$$$$!
Out doing chores, but distracted by my glowing environment. Some days, gotta drop what I'm doing and sprint to the cam. What I'm seeing in this moment won't last long:smokeout:
To the north Sola lights the peaks...

To the south a shimmering sky and a shadowy deck....
Local Charlestown boy had a one hit wonder back b4 it was gentrified. Now everyone in Charlestown and Southie is all offended when you suggest there might have been a lot of crime there lol. like there was no bank robberys or code of silence and Whitie never existed hahaha

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Interesting hockey picture. I watch the finals in international olympics, but can't stand the bs in regular league. If they ever figure out that they are there to play hockey rather than fight, I might be back. In the meantime, I'm gone. :cheers:
Interesting hockey picture. I watch the finals in international olympics, but can't stand the bs in regular league. If they ever figure out that they are there to play hockey rather than fight, I might be back. In the meantime, I'm gone. :cheers:
I like the more aggressive style of play in the nhl,,, it satisfies my demented mind just like crashes in nascar do! :shrug: :rofl::headbang::headbang::headbang:
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