Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Spammers must get treble time over xmas.... :pass: ...we are getting flooded with them.

I'm batting them all out.....but if you See any Odd posts from new members with just 1 or 2 posts while you are out and about on site....Report them........

With so many coming in...I'm bound to Miss a few.........:pass:...Cheers.
What a pain in the butt, as if you moderators don't have enough to do herding us cats. Any idea what is driving the change, or is this always the case this time of year? :shrug:
Yea, and stickers make a car much, much faster :haha:
Oh yeah that is fact each one adds 5hp :headbang:
Question guys

So Im not concerned about it right now but I just noticed going thru my pics that my granite runtz fan leaves are all super dark green. Is this a normal part of flower?

I dont know what happened in the last 12 hours but my photo library got halved somehow. Definitely missing about 2/3s of the pics Ive taken from this last run. Wondering if somehow I deleted a bunch of pictures while my phone was in my pocket
super dark green means potentially excess nitrogen, which if you are using a balanced nute package means potentially stronger nutes than needed. But color varies a lot between strains, so just keep yer eyes peeled for clawing or tip burn and back off ~10% as soon as you see one. IMO of course. :biggrin:
Better than me, love fishing. WILL NOT ICE FISH. If I cant be in my yak, I dont wanna go fishing.
I fish from a cedar strip yak. Sometimes. When I'm not in my canoe, or in my waders. But you can have my share of the ice fishing. :pighug:
No need for a drying tent. You can use brown bags or even a big ass cardboard box to dry in :thumbsup:
yup on the box:

There are five plants in there, four solos, and one big. After four or so days of initial drying, I will trim and brown bag the lot. Once RH in the bags goes down to ~60%, it will be into Groves or masons. :pighug:
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