Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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we have one coming up very soon from @Seedstockers-Mark and its gonna be a big event too also aunty how are you doing

January...First one of the New Year........:watering:.......are you In it..........or have you Totally went to the Dark side now.....?..:eyebrows:
Merry Christmas everyone

here's my opinion on solo cups I regard a proper solo cup to be grown completely inside the cup and if your top feeding your plant eventually the roots will not keep trying to get out of the cup so that to me is a solo cup grow and some people grow their bottom fed but this is were sometimes it can turn into not a solo cup especially if roots are coming out of the bottom as then its a dwc and you can grow and absolute monster-sized plant as the medium is not contained in the cup .so if this was in a grow off with prizes etc you then need to rely on the growers being honest and posting weekly pics showing the roots contained within the cup fed only?....because I can use copper cloth like used with autopots to restrict the root growth down and out drain holes or trim them when they come out. And if wicking up might not be a proper solo cup grow, why would automated drip be a proper solo cup grow?..... :stir:
I was just gonna log off and saw the tag and @Dale's Proper Bud I can help you or anyone else grow awesome solos if I can do it so can you and to be honest I just treat mine like any other top fed plant just fed more times a day to run off

Aye....I'm off to bed too....... Sleep Tight..... :bighug:
Much appreciated tom I am getting the hang of it but in heading down the worm hole now:stir:
Honestly just don't think too much into it just treat it like a miniature big pot also I've only ever grown coco solos but this year I may try a soil one also here's an Alfie pic as you all know I'm a massive dog person and this boy is a massive goof ball
Honestly just don't think too much into it just treat it like a miniature big pot also I've only ever grown coco solos but this year I may try a soil one also here's an Alfie pic as you all know I'm a massive dog person and this boy is a massive goof ball View attachment 1550462View attachment 1550463
Already rep ya other wise i would night brother :pass:
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