Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Working on my lazy man's solo cup design......

Well, he has Aspergers and he seems to answer his twitter thread pretty regularly......if asked he might answer.

There you go @Xmas ........ :headbang: ....make it your Mission.......
Ok, got the rigs made, got the beans dropped....twent20 Vidamints, Whiskey Zulu, trizkets freebies and the last Dble Grape ( Meph)....trying 4 or 5 setups in the side closet just for a lark to see if it can be done without fertigating/watering 3 to 5 times a day. :stir:
Working on my lazy man's solo cup design......

Well, he has Aspergers and he seems to answer his twitter thread pretty regularly......if asked he might answer.
The easiest method is to just set the solo cup into the mouth of a wide mouth mason jar! Doing it that way u can add a couple strings starting midway up the solo and running out the bottom as a couple wicks! Then u add the liquid into mason jar and the plants can drink that way! :d5:
Just a question for those who have done solo cup they tend to finish sooner than larger pots due to root constriction?
Mine didn’t! 3 diff fastbuds strains and all went over 90 days!
I do maintenance, and testing for our community water system, and have to deal with lowlife state bureaucrats. They can test the patience of a saint, which I am not, lol !!!

Okey, ask them to come out, instead of just sitting behind a desk. Let them see the real world, it might make them change their view on some things.

There you go @Xmas ........ :headbang: ....make it your Mission.......

Yeah, I would but it’s not that simple. I need a garden, grow-rooms and a peace of mind.

I need medical-grade equipment to test the weed in different strains to know the ratios so we can establish the perfect strain for us.
The easiest method is to just set the solo cup into the mouth of a wide mouth mason jar! Doing it that way u can add a couple strings starting midway up the solo and running out the bottom as a couple wicks! Then u add the liquid into mason jar and the plants can drink that way! :d5:
I used the Folger's coffee tubs I had around.
Mine didn’t! 3 diff fastbuds strains and all went over 90 days!
Oh well, at least I'll be using the mostly empty space for something going through all these damn seeds before they go bad.
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