If you are looking for sleep meds, I ran into some information recently that seems applicable. One of the gummy recipe searches I did came up with a recommendation of really long decarb time to convert part of the THC to CBN, the latter being suspected to have sedative effect, and perhaps the reason for increasing sleep effect with longer maturity of the bud. Old or poorly stored bud reputedly gains sleep effect for the same reason, exposure of the THC to oxygen and time. Temperature and light reportedly help too.
Anyway, the recommended decarb time to generate CBN was ~~4 times the length other research indicates would result in peak THC, and that is what I did with the last batch of rosin I decarbed for my MCT sleep tincture. I am pretty sure it worked well, that stuff works better than anything yet. 2 mls when I hit the sack, and I am out for 6 or 7 hours, often without waking up once, or if I do, not for long. First time in I have no idea how long that I have not migrated to the pisser sometime during the night.
I recommend trying it. Whatever temp and time you use for decarb, quadruple the time, and if you want to push, add light. When I did my last batch, I put a UVA bulb in the oven with the rosin to help the reaction. No idea whether it helped, but my understanding is that light helps move the chemistry, so UV is likely good.
If you try it, or run into other applicable information, I'd love to hear about it. A small test batch might be a good plan. I would hate for my suggestion to result in results you don't like.