Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Its sta-green potting mix from Lowes. I know its not the best, but its winter and they didn't have many options. My last grow I had horrible fungus gnats from their house brand compost mix, so I didn't want to use that again. I read the soil is a little hot, so I put some old potting mix out of a previous grow in the center so the plants will have some time to grow before they hit the stronger stuff.

So far my seedlings seem to be doing fantastic, probably the fastest growing I've had so far out of 3 grows. The last one I had to ditch because the plants were so stunted due to issues.

Yeah, it seemed like the water was going through the media, just not absorbing at all. I did some googling, and I decided to add a drop of dish soap as a surfactant to my water. I re-watered them with that about 15 minutes ago and the water didn't come out the bottom into the drip trays. So I think it was absorbed much better this time. I hope once I get the soil actually moist it will stop being like a dry sponge, and actually absorb some water.

I watered 2 days ago, and at 6 inches deep the soil was so dry it was dusty this morning.

I hate when it goes hydrophobic :cuss: had it happen before even watering every day. Wetting agent will definitely help. I've used dish soap in a pinch and it works but wouldn't use regularly.

As far as fungus gnats go, I don't have issues with them since I started using mosquito dunks. Like @Fermented_Fruitz said, if you can find the bits it's easy to just mix with the soil. I can never find the bits so I just use the donuts.

I soak a couple in my water overnight and use that for the first watering of the soil, that way its active as soon as they start to hatch. If you use drippers you can stick a donut under the drippers for continuous hands off protection :thumbsup:
IMG_20221206_200715.jpg get stashed in with the snakes..scorpions and meth head
Oh, I was just listing the various living creatures you’ll find out here…..not all bad…..I’ve met some polite snakes, a few happy go lucky scorpions, and one downright sweet meth head. The old folks are in good company…. :smoking: :pass: :rofl:
i could swear i see a squirrel in that tree..............................but then, i smoke weed, so.... :rolleyes2: :coffee: ppp
No squirrels but had a tree a couple of years ago that had 2 bats hibernating in it that I didn't see. They must've started to wake when they warmed up in the house and the cat caught both of them :crying:
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