Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Thanks for the rep @Talonxracer @Olderfart @WildBill @Mossy

I tried something new and got lucky is all, clay pebbles and a kiddie pool lol i wonder what i'll try next :crying:
Sounds like me, still trying new stuff. One of these days, I will actually do a grow the same way as the last one. Not there yet though. :pighug:
he is gonna be a big old boy that's for sure
morning blue how you doing I see people seem to think your a girl :pighug::crying:

I sometimes have 2 dogs at once and my wife makes me get one done so we don't have litters of pups as id wanna keep them all
My wife and I went to the first litter inspection. We agreed before going that we would meet and greet, and then decide which and whether after we got back home. Didn't work. She had the cheque book, and it was on the counter about thirty seconds after she made her choice. :biggrin: Puppies eh? :pighug:
So true, but Ive always wanted one of those you know hallmark Christmases where everything goes smoothly, but it seems like it just wont happen. Oh well.
Just make everyone a medicated breakfast! :eyebrows::d5:
Just make everyone a medicated breakfast! :eyebrows::d5:
While my parents dont care that I smoke or grow. They would both literally kill me if I got the entire family baked. My step dad did mention something about giving him a taste of my harvest when its ready tho. Which is odd as my mom and my step dad havent smoked since before they got married. Or at least thats what they tell me.
If you're an Auto grower looking for a Sativa, Green Crack Auto. Seedsman's IMO is a standout. Tread lightly with that rosin..


the double grape i ran had 5 and 3 finger leaves only. I have aslo herd that to much light can cause three finger leaves.
My double grape was a mal-adjusted child, deformed and fugly from the start! She was a lanky scrawny plant that stretched far more than the others in the grow and more than other DG's I have seen on AFN and never even considered growing a 5finger leaf. But she has some nice hard nuggets on her that have a good punch to them with just a quick dry.
My double grape was a mal-adjusted child, deformed and fugly from the start! She was a lanky scrawny plant that stretched far more than the others in the grow and more than other DG's I have seen on AFN and never even considered growing a 5finger leaf. But she has some nice hard nuggets on her that have a good punch to them with just a quick dry.
So to me that screams too much N but I am probably in left field.. I noticed both times I grown dg it got dark green easily which I took as it’s sensitive to N.. and since you say it stretched crazy N causes the plants to grow tall and spindly
They do make some pretty nice tents these days, nicer than some if my apartments

I've been wondering if my FCE4800 is the culprit of my 3 finger leaves. It has UV and IR added but they're always on, and I think that stress may be causing 3 finger leaves toward the top of my plants. The Fc6500 om getting from the Mars Hydro contest doesn't have UV so ill see if thats the difference.
@Dale's Proper Bud. I agree that a lot of the different expression people see aren't due to genetics as much as environmental stressor.

Also, learned that we probably use the term phenotype very incorrectly? Phenotypes actually refer to each individual triat, not individual plants. So, there's a height pheno, color pheno, terpene pheno etc... for each individual plant. Shit get confusing... :smokeout: :pass:
Let me know. Im running the fce3000 got the same uv and Ir lights too.
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