Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I guess what I am trying to get at the IMO from what I’ve learned that most things that happen or the plants does is from something that we have done… not always necessarily the “pheno” of that plant once I had finally admitted that I was one causing the problems by giving my plants to much of everything and just get out of their way they are much healthier and happier
While trimming fan leaves off the Double Grape yesterday I "accidentally on purpose" snipped off a small bud and left it on my rolling tray overnight. This morning it was dried enough to smoke, I like this buzz :headbang: , now I can not wait for a good cure!!!!

I also looked a lot closer at the DG and my stoner mind realized that there wasn't a single 5 finger leaf on the whole plant, only 3 fingers!!!
the double grape i ran had 5 and 3 finger leaves only. I have aslo herd that to much light can cause three finger leaves.
Good day everyone, I chopped my little solo cup gal this morning

This is my "best" solo so far i still burnt it tho

Day 64 - granddaddy purple X red poison
You can’t be sure until you try!:haha:
They do make some pretty nice tents these days, nicer than some if my apartments
the double grape i ran had 5 and 3 finger leaves only. I have aslo herd that to much light can cause three finger leaves.
I've been wondering if my FCE4800 is the culprit of my 3 finger leaves. It has UV and IR added but they're always on, and I think that stress may be causing 3 finger leaves toward the top of my plants. The Fc6500 om getting from the Mars Hydro contest doesn't have UV so ill see if thats the difference.
@Dale's Proper Bud. I agree that a lot of the different expression people see aren't due to genetics as much as environmental stressor.

Also, learned that we probably use the term phenotype very incorrectly? Phenotypes actually refer to each individual triat, not individual plants. So, there's a height pheno, color pheno, terpene pheno etc... for each individual plant. Shit get confusing... :smokeout: :pass:
My cage plant is getting big... i like it!! :headbang: she is drinking a TON a week (1700ppm) so i need to stay on top of that. i decided she is to big to train so i'll just make sure she don't touch the lights and help defoliate as she goes, i'm a lazy grower :crying:


cage plant's clippings has some nice roots now i will pot her up tomorrow
They do make some pretty nice tents these days, nicer than some if my apartments

I've been wondering if my FCE4800 is the culprit of my 3 finger leaves. It has UV and IR added but they're always on, and I think that stress may be causing 3 finger leaves toward the top of my plants. The Fc6500 om getting from the Mars Hydro contest doesn't have UV so ill see if thats the difference.
@Dale's Proper Bud. I agree that a lot of the different expression people see aren't due to genetics as much as environmental stressor.

Also, learned that we probably use the term phenotype very incorrectly? Phenotypes actually refer to each individual triat, not individual plants. So, there's a height pheno, color pheno, terpene pheno etc... for each individual plant. Shit get confusing... :smokeout: :pass:
:yeahthat: Yup environment is huge but I also a firm believer that feed has alot to do with it also… very well said about the pheno terminology :bow::toke:
:yeahthat: Yup environment is huge but I also a firm believer that feed has alot to do with it also… very well said about the pheno terminology :bow::toke:
I guess growing in living soil i consider it part of the environmental conditions. I just kind of steward the soil the same way I do the temp and humidity, making sure its got the right balance of everything so the plant can do its work. But yes, definitely feed plays into it as well.
and orgy time lol

Day 44 crystal meth auto looking better than her sister by far and day 6 red gorilla poison babies

So i learned something planting all those seeds in this autopot system with the valve turned on already, it don't matter...

All my seeds germed at 100% rate and look at them go 700ppm in the res from seed to now and no issues, :thumbsup: i won't be waiting to turn on my autovalves anymore they will stay on from day 0 to harvest and i'll not start off weak on the ppms either
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