Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Employment without skills is disappearing everywhere due to automation, and many skilled jobs will disappear before long due to AI and/or automation. The imminent new normal in "western" economies will include many people who are unemployed, and unemployable, even among highly trained and educated individuals. What to do with them is one of the most pressing problems of our age, and is rapidly becoming more serious. This is already having huge influence on our politics, but we are not allowed to discuss that little detail. :biggrin:

AA while back. I had a peek at a YouTube video of the inside of a factory producing high end automotive engines for hot cars. These are engines constructed to tolerances once thought unachievable at scale. The entire assembly line was a series of robots, there was not a machinist or assembly person visible anywhere. The entire operation was managed by a handful of operators sitting at computer stations. This is the new look for manufacturing, and the trend in this direction will apply to most professions. :pighug:

The term is called disruptive technology. That is going to be a huge issue. Without getting too political, the majority of what is happening now is by design, but nothing to do with technology
Coming from the guy with the new toy. You'll be fancying it up before you realize it.
Speaking of new toys! Holy shit I cant believe I won!! Thank you AFN and @Marshydro
Employment without skills is disappearing everywhere due to automation, and many skilled jobs will disappear before long due to AI and/or automation. The imminent new normal in "western" economies will include many people who are unemployed, and unemployable, even among highly trained and educated individuals. What to do with them is one of the most pressing problems of our age, and is rapidly becoming more serious. This is already having huge influence on our politics, but we are not allowed to discuss that little detail. :biggrin:

AA while back. I had a peek at a YouTube video of the inside of a factory producing high end automotive engines for hot cars. These are engines constructed to tolerances once thought unachievable at scale. The entire assembly line was a series of robots, there was not a machinist or assembly person visible anywhere. The entire operation was managed by a handful of operators sitting at computer stations. This is the new look for manufacturing, and the trend in this direction will apply to most professions. :pighug:
Well, it's too bad that you nailed the current situation. I wish I was in better physical condition. I could make really good money working part-time or contract work as a Property & Casualty consultant doing jurisdictional inspections on pressure vessels and boilers or inspection of ASME shops building pressure vessels and boilers. I still have my National Board commission. State commissions have easy tests compared to the National Board. I had 22 state commissions at one time. Either would be lots of windshield time!:face:
That's one job that won't go the wayside in my grandkid's lifetime.
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