Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Good Morfnoevight All! :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:
Hopefully I can be right behind you. :eyebrows: :funny:

I might be high enough to get to sleep. I found myself being entertained by my hands being placed together, fingers out and palm to Palm. I move them around in unison and at strange angles. It makes for quite a odd sensation on my palms. It doesn't help that Jack the Ripper is in the computer of the Enterprise! :yoinks::yoinks::dizzy::baked:
Spok is fucking up Jack the Ripper by giving the computer an order to figure pi.:cooldance::eyebrows::muahaha::rofl::rofl:
A physiotherapist in Australia has told of her trick to help you cut out the risk of wiping your bum excessively - simply by scaling back on how many sheets of paper you need.

:crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: ................:pass:
.....I Bet she Invents the wheel next week......:crying::crying::crying::crying:
All right! I'm had enough!......not canna!!!!
I can't take this Windows install anymore. It's ridiculous with all the memory leaks and crap and can't do a damn update.
So in the morning, I'll do a restart on the computer and then back up the stuff that I wanted backed up. Been there and done all that crap.
And then I'll do the fresh install of Windows option.
I hope it goes well because I hate posting on the goddamn phone. I had to delete a bunch of typing it done from over hearing the current Star Trek. It was doing it quite accurately too! LOL! Good thing it can't pick up the opera singer at the beginning and transcribe it.
Just got to go empty the bucket on the dehumidifier before I go to bed.
Nite everyone! Wish me luck!:face:

Phazors armed and ready sir!

Happy Caturday......:pass:

Post Thanksgiving metabolic check....:doc3:...

Breathe in....:pass:

Breathe in..:pass:

Breathe in.....:pass:

Squash your head.................................Did you Fart.................?........:gassy:....

If might want to deploy Andrews Liver salts.......give that Turkey a decent send off....

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