Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Cheers @WildBill ...... :headbang: ...that is the way I have always done it...............but..............the New way is No Ferment.....:watering:......

Before getting started, keep in mind that it is best to use homemade aloe vera fertilizer within 20 minutes of mixing it. Once cut, processed, and exposed to air, fresh aloe vera quickly ferments and begins to degrade.

Off the plant...blitz in the food processor....dilute and watter Know I Like my Simple........

I Filet aloe vera for hubby....he gets acid reflux....and it is a Miracle plant/drink for that. After about a month it actually Stops it......while gavilast just knocks the symptoms off for a limited time.

I have plenty volunteers......:biggrin:

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If you get stopped can now say you are offsetting your Global Footprint........:biggrin:

Ok, so it's not a ferment, That's pretty much the way I used it in my garden. Worked great!

Cannabis and carbon lock up would only work for cannabis that used to make products. What we use it for only adds to our carbon footprint. Outdoor and more natural style of growing is less of an impact, especially if you make your own inputs and reuse your soil. But fermenting is an impact, as well as composting, mainly 'hot' composting. My one of my most impactful methods was winter cover crops. L-bon Rye and hairy vetch were my first. Hairy vetch for notrogen fixing and fairly substantial root system. L-bon rye for it's very large a bulky root system. Both provided green bulk carbon that was just cut, conditioned and dropped......kinda like hay cutting, but with no wind rowing. It's slow 'composting', so less CO2 is released. Bulk feed root crops, feed turnips and the like, were added later for more carbon locked up in the soil and free choice feed for cattle, they'll dig up the easy ones.
At the time, it really wasn't my main objective to lessen my carbon footprint. It was to increase the carbon in my damn sandy ass soil. It ate up carbon like crazy!

But I did have a fairly big impact with the scale of composting I did. My composting DID release quite a bit of CO2, but what was left was stored and used to grow food......which didn't use any man-made nutes for that impact. My whole operation, with livestock included, probably had a negative impact on greenhouse gas production
Indoor growers have a much bigger impact.........lights, heat,cooling and shipping for all the things we use.
Huh, interesting. Perhaps I did not play with mine enough..... It seemed like they just stayed on as the coco didn't hold enough water to change the pressure from open to closed.

Test n' tune I guess. Although if they say it will work and you have a coco/soil blend I guess it would probably be good to go. Just be ready to turn them up/down until you get it balanced.

So far my blumats have been a failure, same issues as you.

Using Roots organic 707 mix. Thought I had them dialed after a week, but they keep randomly staying on and flooding the tent. Keep dialing them down but it just happens again eventually.

Three weeks and still doing it. Sucks because I'm gone for work and the wife has to keep shop vaccing brown water from the tent every day....Needless to say my hobby hasn't been popular lately :rolleyes1:

If I cant get it figured out I won't be able to grow with my current job :shrug:
So I'm wondering, why would an auto watering system with 9" halo's, not work with an organic dry amendment grow? It would certainly wet my entire 5 gal pot surface, IMO. And just set the halo maybe 2-4" from surface. Should be easy enough to throw the 1/4 cup ferty in the pot every couple weeks..

Halos will work, but they need even pressure. A buddy here uses them with coco and does amazing. He has psi regulated fitting and runs the piping in a rectangle with one inlet and tubing running off the rectangle to each plant. The rectangle makes sure all the pressure is built up even before there's enough pressure to come out.

Not sure if that makes sense as I'm a little loopy right now. Remind me tomorrow if you still have questions
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