Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Good morning and happy friday guys. Im looking for a seedbank in Europe that got both GHS and DP-seeds with 50% discount. Any shops out there?
Go straight to Dutch Passion. Skip the middle man and u will probably pay less
So...wasn't too impressed with yesterdays dinner?

No, sadly i didn’t like the plate. The turkey and the other stuff on the plate was not for my taste, got some chicken-wings instead, but they felt oldish. Could have been the chief that picked to wrong job:chef:

But gonna put my clothes on and visit Walmart after I finish an order of some GHS-photo seeds. Want to see how their quality is. Got FULLGAS, PERSIAN PIE and LEMON ORANGE.
Cut all the tips off those leafs! Like cut em about in half! U want the clone to focus on making roots but it’ll be more concerned with making the leafs grow unless u chop em down! :d5:
i thought i did, i missed 2 on top but they are tiny
Mornin' :toke:

i think my solo cup plant is about done, she popped up Sept 28th so i guess its about that time

granddaddy purple x red poison

and... my failure pot turned orgypot to find out why those 2 fastbud plants look like crap. i think it was just the strain and not fastbuds, i have a 3pk of their fastberry too but after these 2 crystal meth autos i'd rather just grow what i know works.

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