Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I stuck the side of my foot with a piece of steel it went through my boot and poked my foot… I cleaned it all up doesn’t look bad no swelling or bruising but it is throbbing now:oops1::goodluck: I hope I don’t need to go to dr…… :pass::pass::pass:
Haha I keep them on top of duders unused wire dog crate….they can’t climb up there….nevertheless, all shoes get shaken before any body part goes in :pass:
geez, and all we have to worry about here is grizzly bears... Think I prefer bears, at least they stay out of the house, usually.
Thanks for the rep @Talonxracer and @Badfinger soon enough I can’t wait to get home so I can soak my foot get off it and get super stoned :hurry:. I did this this morning before 9am but no pain till after lunch:shrug::wall::wall::sadcry:
Thanks for the rep @Talonxracer and @Badfinger soon enough I can’t wait to get home so I can soak my foot get off it and get super stoned :hurry:. I did this this morning before 9am but no pain till after lunch:shrug::wall::wall::sadcry:
1 cup Epsom salt warm water well hot as you can stand will help
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