Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Little bastard hanging out in the mop bucket :cuss::yoinks:
Would be keeping my shoes/boots in sealed bags. Yikes

Haha I keep them on top of duders unused wire dog crate….they can’t climb up there….nevertheless, all shoes get shaken before any body part goes in :pass:

I wouldn't be leaving me underwear on the bedroom floor either........ :crying:
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Research shows more people suffer from EVALI quicker and long term more than smoking and copd etc.

my advice is stick to the old school…. What would Bob say? Or Willie? Tut tut looool
It’s not that kind of vaping :shooty: you need to read up on vaping dry herb and vaping concentrate with convection or conduction type vaporizers. It’s not vaping oil or the cartridges you buy at dispensaries.

It’s kind if important not to ignore IMO, it is our lives. That’s why I don’t smoke “old school “!
How's everyone doing today? Hopefully everyone is ready n excited for Thanksgiving! I'm pumped to get a good stone on and eat everything in site :rofl:
Already getting the canna lineup ready for T-day. From wake n bake through lights out. Sweatpants for the expansion.
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