Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I just want to say the ac infinity self watering grow bag systems...they work the pots still on those the soil is still moist....the pots that aren't on them soil is dry.....I'm buying 8
more today

The plants mostly run off natural gas and none of the piping was insulated so they wound up freezing stopping the flow of gas and therefore stopping the plants from running! Even the wind turbines froze and couldn’t be turned back on so we had almost no power going into our grid and our state is on its own grid not the national grid! Stupid both when emergencies happen but they also can price us same way enron robbed california when power supplies supposedly got low! Our rates can jump crazy amounts in short periods and most places u only have 1 option on where u can get power from so no rate comparing going on before u pick who supplies u! :cuss:

Without giving too much away, I used to work in the retail energy industry. In fact for this storm, I was working at one of the big guys. The real issue was the cold, as has been mentioned. Power plants in Texas don't get as many opportunities to test their weather prep because they only hit these types of temps about once a decade. I heard a talk by the VP of Operations after the previous winter storm that knocked things out and he related that while you can insulate things, that doesn't mean that the next storm won't blow in such a way that you still end up with a valve sticking. Up north, they get to test these setups multiple times per year. That's not to say that winterization isn't a thing in Texas, it is, but it's still not 100%.

So Texas ended up with several plants tripped due to the cold which caused some hard decisions to be made because they had to shed load in a hurry. This is the where the real intelligence came in. Some numbskull suggested that nobody wanted gas wells to have power in an emergency, so they killed power to those. That happened to be the only fuel source that could have helped out. If they'd have cut power to commercial load instead, the outage would have likely been less than a day, but they created a chicken-egg dilemma.

With regard to the alternative energy sources, those actually did well. While 40% of the gas plants tripped, less than 20% of the wind energy went offline. Solar was a non-producer for the first day due to clouds, but it produced just fine after that.

Not even natural gas supplies were solid during this event. First off, it's not uncommon for supplies to be constrained during these events. In the winter storm in 2008, Texas had several plants trip offline due to nothing more than an inability to get gas because all the pipelines were sending it the Northeast. In Texas during this event, many people couldn't even get their natural gas backup generators to fire up because there wasn't enough line pressure.

This was a major f***up on many fronts. I know one of the people now serving on the ERCOT panel and they mentioned that the conversation about preventing the next one is only now starting to heat up, but it is coming. Nothing will happen fast because there's still arguments about whether ERCOT needs a capacity market or not and there are many opinions.
Silica when used correctly is critically important IMO for reducing stressors by strengthening structure inside and out, reinforcing disease resistance, and improving overall vitality. A light weekly foliar can be very beneficial, but IME less is more. I dose mine at 1/8 GOT the recommended. My thoughts are that if you give a plant a surplus, it will reject it and lock out. If you give the plant a smidge of that, they will consume it all effortlessly.
I won't grow without it, as I've found when used correctly, trichomes love it.

This was fresh media on this run. I made my dressings and let it cook for a little bit. I didn't add one thing from the last grow. I tried using a oil dry product that is ONLY processed DE. I don't know if it's heated, but it's formed into a very light small chunks. I was using it as aeration and possibly an available source of silica. With plenty of bio-activity, I figure it might do two jobs well.
In this current grow, I can tell a difference in stem thickness and firmness when performing LST at same stage girls. Other than that one thing, the media is essentially the same from the past grow. The one possible slight difference in overall bioactivity, but mainly in the small insect population., early in the grow. Compost mites mainly Maybe the earlier large population of mites on breakdown of the chitin with the plant's immune response. In addition to the terpene response
, doesn't this also trigger stem thickening for armor against bugs, along with stimulate flower production with the plant's effort to reproduce under perceived attack?
Along those lines, in addition to being a fertilizer, wouldn't insect frass elicit some defensive response?
I have to get my worms going again. I don't have a place to pick up worms. Only mail order. I splurged and ordered worm castings from BAS. It did contain ok life, but it was way over processed/handled. Not worth a return buy for me.

I'd like to find some pumice like what BAS has, but locally. It's a great product, but shipping blows, especially with my 'tree in the hallway' strapped ass! LOL! I would use the DE oil dry at a 1 to 4 ratio with the pumice.. It's remained pretty stable thru two grows.....both pumice and DE product.

I hope all that rambling made some sense. I'm trying to get my pain level down somewhat. The limited sleep lets my back muscles fatigue quickly.....then spaz sets in.Some know all to well what I'm talking about. Didn't help sitting around the doc office all that time..........and girls needed water.........they always need some water! . At least it was good news for the most part wif da doc..
How are you all doing..... :pass:

Just got in and fired the Unicorn up :headbang:

Yeah, it was actually rather nice this afternoon, 31*f on top of the mtn, full sunshine, ended up napping in the hunting blind, probably when all the deer passed by giving me the hoof! :crying:

You mentioned structure on an earlier post. What do you look for in structure and what type of things "would catch your eye". Find it interesting in the differences people look for
I call it 'firm symmetry'.:biggrin:

I like uniformity and symmetry with a robust structure. Symmetrical in overall structure, but also in the side branching.. That doesn't mean a really fat plant, but one of efficient use of structure. Fugue State would have had a better structure if I hadn't missed the timing on her rez, but she is still powering up like crazy with bud. My next Fugue State will be a beast.
Sour Stomper X CDLC] x FORUM STOMPER has been a minimal effort girl in work for me, part of that efficient structure. I missed getting her topped and had to drastically supercrop her main cola. It worked and hormones were distributed more evenly, just doesn't look as good as it could have. She naturally has mostly large uniform structure with minimal side branching at crazy angles. It's not that I don't want to work on them, but the fact that I don't need to work on them or near as much.
That's my fave. I do have another fave. Same as above, but with that 70's porno look........BUSHY AF. Some Damn Sandbox canna grown for many generations is a fine examples. My outdoor Asian Haze was a good example. I did very little trimming on her, just mainly directing her thru the she grew all over the place.....but very evenly and upward...didn't top her.

That's what I look for and catches my eye for further investigation. That doesn't mean I don't like other structures. I'm enjoying trying to keep that crazy ass Knows Candy in some sort of organization...and she's fighting me. She mostly undone the supercropping I did to her! LOL! She'll make some bud for sure, but she'll need support when her buds fatten the way I think they will. She would have been pretty crazy if I could have given her more room.
Good Morfnoevight All you Happy Tuesday Stoners.

I’m glad you found that funny :rofl::rofl:but that just means that much more has to get done tonight:doh::pass:

Anywho my shamazon order came today I think this will complete my feed for the hydro girls:toke::headbang:
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Ok so the Humic Acid:Kelp ratio is 5:2. It really does not matter much the brand. Add a surfactant. It is best to apply foliar 2 hours after the plants wake up. Just dim your lights for a while until the leaves are dry.

If you apply this starting at day 14 then a follow up on day 21, some strains will bush out almost as much as being topped others not so much. @Dabber used this the entire grow or some other secret sauce. I use Kelp and Humic Acid weekly with the res change.
How are you all doing..... :pass:

Just got in and fired the Unicorn up :headbang:

Yeah, it was actually rather nice this afternoon, 31*f on top of the mtn, full sunshine, ended up napping in the hunting blind, probably when all the deer passed by giving me the hoof! :crying:
LOL! Been there and done that. Big Bucks here tend to move 11-1 and then make an early dusk appearance. My Pop would shake his head at me the way I hunted sometimes. A lot of the time, I packed a lunch and I hunted dawn to dusk. I just didn't get the time off like Dad. I had to get my hunting in! LOL! The first Kill, I'd usually back off or switch to Turkey. I love the taste of wild turkey!
Would I do that today? :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny: :funny:
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