Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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We can use ours together! I got the pack from them for the grow n show with bunches of goodies but haven’t used it yet! Maybe I’ll just start topwatering it in as needed and blumats can deliver plain water rest of the time! Just not sure if they have a once weekly dose or if I’d need to be using it every feed!
There's a schedule for our grow style with a weekly dose.
Oh, you mean “emergency lunch”? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: They don’t bother much as long as you steer clear of the sharp end…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I don't know about that. I'd rather not be close enough to either end.

:rofl: Try it in a semi then come talk to me, lol.

I could back up a set of double 30 foot cotton trailers. I made it just over 100 yards on a bet. I never had a chance to try with a Highway Tractor and 28 footers. It would be a lot harder because you cannot see through them like cotton trailers.

What can you all tell me about the greenlife biotics stuff gease pack? looking through the threads now... might choose that for second prize...

Also just thinking outload blame bill:stir:... I don't think it is completely fair why not pay back more places with all the prizes almost everyone could win something:vibe:... I feel kind weird picking through all these prizes with only three of us winning

You can always pay a choice forward to the next winner in the list. because it is tie you must pay forward 2 picks or if someone else pays 1 forward that would work also.

Well, ER with #3 wasn't on the agenda for tonight but here we are :face: would have gone to regular urgent care but apparently they all close at 8 now :wall: :wall: :wall: #2 pushed her off the bed at gmas and now she can't move her arm.

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