Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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He broke her fucking shoulder
Mara Cachafa
Thanks for the slap.

I sorta splurged a bit on this meal. If I was gonna be in this cold ass kitchen, I'm gonna mae it worth it.
I had some bacon that needed to be used. I cooked it in my grill marked cast iron pan. I scrubbed up a couple golden taters, covered them in olive oil, sprinkled granulated garlic all over that and wrapped them up in wet paper towels. I sliced and sautéed some yellow onions.
Brought up the heat and slapped the rib eye on the grill with all that goodness in the pan. The cut had sat for a bit with Stubbs Green Hatch Chili sauce. That stuff is great.
The taters got some Irish butter, salt, pepper, granulated garlic, regular dose of cannabutter and some of the hut drippings from the pan.
Plated it all up and smothered everything with the onions. Popped the top on a Shiner beer and dove in! It was one of those meals that you just hate to see finished.
I was kicked back afterwards and watching a movie, Next thing I know, I'm all curled up and cozy in my bed with the TV still going. I thought about getting up, but that thought faded quickly. I laid there, drifting in and out of nana land. Quite pleasant feeling, but not productive, but that didn't matter.
Bacon is a nice side treat!
This cannatater thing is pretty consistent. This one was a pretty good one, but I didn't expect it like this. I snuck up on me and laid my ass out. Part was just the carb hit and a full belly.
He broke her fucking shoulder

Wow, how awful. I wish her a speedy recovery. If you are in the NYC vicinity I would highly recommend looking at the Hospital for Special Surgery. Top doctors in the country and you will get a higher level of care from that facility. You will also be able to find a good paediatric orthopedic surgeon. Kids have different needs than 70yr olds.

There is also a hotel attached to the hospital so if it is a quick surgery you don't have to stay in a hospital room. It makes travelling with people easier. Plus, they surgeon will check you out in the morning, if no complications, on your way home.
Now that we're home and she's in bed I'm a fucking wreck. Not only is she in immense pain with nothing I can really do for her, she's not gonna be able to dance in nutcracker for sure and more than likely won't be able to dance at all for quite some time. Not to mention the fact that this very well could cause her to be in pain for the rest of her life. Add on to that that this isn't the first time #2 has intentionally hurt her, so I'm pretty sure my kid might be a sociopath and I have literally no idea what to do about it.
Thanks for the rep @Mañ'O'Green and @420Forever. There may be another fracture on her elbow buy we will know more once pediatric orthopedic rescans her when we go to the follow up.
You can always pay a choice forward to the next winner in the list. because it is tie you must pay forward 2 picks or if someone else pays 1 forward that would work also.

Wow ok thank I'm going to have to sleep on that one it just got confusing I had no clue how the prizes were going to work.. after further thinking and research thinking I wouldn't mind a seed pack but would pay any more prizes forward to other participates don't wanna be greedy... if it's free it's me but I'll wait to see what @Born slippy is going to do for his second choice:pass:
It does look like I have to hit Mango N Chem with some nitrogen.
I'll wait until tomorrow and mix up some stuff for her after I see how well the feeder roots have made it into the nute bank.
More than likely, I'll mix up BAS flower with a dash more aminos and Blue Gold flower. I'll add spme more compost so I can add more of the liquid. I think I'll give Knows Candy a bit too.
I didn't expect for her to be that hungry.
Now that we're home and she's in bed I'm a fucking wreck. Not only is she in immense pain with nothing I can really do for her, she's not gonna be able to dance in nutcracker for sure and more than likely won't be able to dance at all for quite some time. Not to mention the fact that this very well could cause her to be in pain for the rest of her life. Add on to that that this isn't the first time #2 has intentionally hurt her, so I'm pretty sure my kid might be a sociopath and I have literally no idea what to do about it.
Take a breath buddy. :pass::bighug: Everyone gets hurt. Kids can be jerks but they can be sweet too. :vibes:
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