Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Well I found a hydro store about 1mile from my house....they were even growing weed in there....they didn't have sohum cannabis living soil so they said this stuff is way they quit getting's called Mushrooms Naturally full cycle living soil....I also bought some soft wire to do some training with....I'm using the soil to top the veg tent pots off....
Thanks @Fermented_Fruitz I did flood the tent lol, got that heater out before it fried thankfully!

I set them up since I'm gone for long stretches and can't be there to water or monitor pumps and stuff. Which is also why I didn't catch this before it got out of hand...

They are 10 gallon pots and no distribution drippers(need to order some). I put them in after soaking and making sure there was no air in them or the lines and monitored them for 5 days before leaving. Thought I had them dialed in but the one on the bottom right decided to be an overachiever :doh:

Got it turned down now so hopefully it stays :eek1:
It’s because without the drippers it’s gonna leave big dry pockets in areas while others get over saturated and then begin to overflow! When u install them u need to pack the soil tightly around the carrot so it’s got a good seal! Also pot shoulda been so wet that it shouldn’t have even started dripping for 5-7 days! And one last thing make sure the tube that pokes out of carrot is only 8mm long so it doesn’t drip so far away from carrot that it doesn’t read the soil moisture properly til it’s bit over saturated!
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