Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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It's going...... trying to figure out where to start need to get a bunch done today and capitalize on the day off.... got to make food for the girls got some pvc to plump my rez a little different hopefully to stir/mix better.. Plus make a stand for the solo so I don't have to move her to empty bucket.... I got a bunch on mango smile larf from a buddy for free for me to press so I would like to get to that today need clean it up little lots of water leaves on it still.... plus all the normal chores and cleanig up the basement its a disaster zone :poof:

so side question I making a manifold to stir my rez with pvc and I put it together with pvc primer and glue.. I let it set out and dry plus rinsing/cleaning extremely well but now I am wondering if the glue could leech any toxic chemicals into the rez? :shrug:View attachment 1539124
I would give it a good 24 hours to fully cure before use, but you shouldn't have any issues with leeching.
Did u flood the tent or what happened?? :shrug:

I’m here if u need any advice man! I’ve flooded my big tent couple times but it was due to user error opening up the carrots too much on 10gal pots assuming plants needed faster drip since can’t exactly pick up the fully saturated pot and I don’t got a good moisture meter! The 3gal this time was able to realize super slow drip can still have pots totally soaked as they can get so had to turn drip back! Was overwatering 1 of my lil ones with too high a drip but still wasn’t enough to flood pot so didn’t realize it was too high!

Thanks @Fermented_Fruitz I did flood the tent lol, got that heater out before it fried thankfully!

I set them up since I'm gone for long stretches and can't be there to water or monitor pumps and stuff. Which is also why I didn't catch this before it got out of hand...

They are 10 gallon pots and no distribution drippers(need to order some). I put them in after soaking and making sure there was no air in them or the lines and monitored them for 5 days before leaving. Thought I had them dialed in but the one on the bottom right decided to be an overachiever :doh:

Got it turned down now so hopefully it stays :eek1:
Hubby bought these for me to eat as "breakfast bars" with my meds and whew boy these are dessert not breakfast (says the woman who ate a fudge brownie for breakfast yesterday lmao) couldn't get past the first bite cause it was a weird texture and just pure sugar.
Hubby bought these for me to eat as "breakfast bars" with my meds and whew boy these are dessert not breakfast (says the woman who ate a fudge brownie for breakfast yesterday lmao) couldn't get past the first bite cause it was a weird texture and just pure sugar.
View attachment 1539128
Send em my way they look delicious love golden grahams BUT thinking that's probably why I just had to have a tooth removed :doh::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Hubby bought these for me to eat as "breakfast bars" with my meds and whew boy these are dessert not breakfast (says the woman who ate a fudge brownie for breakfast yesterday lmao) couldn't get past the first bite cause it was a weird texture and just pure sugar.
View attachment 1539128
One of those would make me sweat my ass off!
I was pretty high at the grocery store.......I know! I know! It's the only way I can get about doing stuff in public.................without them hearing me grunting, moaning and the occasional holler.

This stuff is pathetic!
"Legendary since 1948?"
Legendary In What? The miles people get out of this 'stuff' when they resole their shoes with it?
I know the biggest reason for this. It's in the picture!

Let's see if we have any other brisket 'experts' out there and if they see the reason.
It’s a trimmed brisket…, what do you expect from buying precooked meat:shrug::rofl:
Send em my way they look delicious love golden grahams BUT thinking that's probably why I just had to have a tooth removed :doh::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Psssssshhhhh…. That tooth was weak. It couldn’t hack it. You didn’t have it removed, you kicked it out due to lack of performance :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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