Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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That might not be what kitty is thinking... :biggrin:

A former, late, cat of hours spent about six years watching squirrels on our deck. Tried to get them many a time over those years. Then after years of trying, he got the first one, proudly brought it indoors while doing an odd growl/meow to announce the long sought for success. He must have finally figured something out, because the following morning, we heard the growl/meow, and there he was with the second one. Was he proud? Most cat owners would say so. :pighug::biggrin:
My first cat, she adopted me, at the farm would bring various animals to the back porch. Most were gophers, yeah, and she would either have them stunned for the kittens to practice hunting on, or dead for them to eat. She was a real feral cat with her survival skills. She must have had strong instincts. Her domesticated instincts must have told her I could help her. The first time I saw her, she was walking across the yard with a kitten sticking from her.:rofl:
I wish these kittens had the same instincts! My yard would love them. The moles here are so prevalent in this area and being organic, they have plenty to eat with all the worms.
mmm, the one right answer is only obvious, DUH!! :face: :doc1: ppp
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Not SunButter, but yeah I tried some sunflower seed butter from my discount supermarket. The flavor is very mild to non-existent compared to peanut butter. I think it was easier to digest than pb, and it's prolly healthy. I mostly wanted the wide-mouth plastic jar.
Not SunButter, but yeah I tried some sunflower seed butter from my discount supermarket. The flavor is very mild to non-existent compared to peanut butter. I think it was easier to digest than pb, and it's prolly healthy. I mostly wanted the wide-mouth plastic jar.
I love peanut butter.....unadulterated kind. If I see it at the store, I might pick up a small jar.
Good Morfnoevight all you happy Caturday Stoners!

Anu says it is this way to the cat treats.


Debated trimming for a few minutes last night, then decided to see if I could figure out something to fill the 15" gap where the trash compactor is. HD had 15" *standard* cabinets in stocks, sweet. None in unfinished but meh we're already gonna be sanding. Went and bought one, got the compactor out in like 30 seconds.
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They had put a cleat in to hold the counter and to attach the other cabinets to, so I couldn't slide it back all the way but I looked at it and was immediately like yeah no that's not gonna work lol. Drawer face and cabinet door both totally different sizes, and for some stupid reason apparently they've made the standard toe kicks like an inch taller than they used to be :face: so I Boxed it back up and it's in the back seat to be returned, boo. After hours of staring and searching and staring and pondering and searching some more it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to get anything prefabricated to fit the space :dammit: would love to do a 3 drawer base but they only come in 18" or 24". If I took the small cabinet next to the space out I'd have space for a 24" but it'd leave a 3" gap and I don't want to do that either lol. So at this point my options are Replace all of the base cabinets or custom build something to fit that particular space. Hubby wants to do neither and said he could sand and stain the interior of the cavity and we could just leave the regular trash can in there. Ugh, even worse lol. After further pondering I'm thinking perhaps one of those kitchen cart/rolling island/prep table things would be perfect. 15x24x35ish would slide in and fit just right.... of course everything I find is the wrong size :wall:
One would think with the number of homes that were built with built in compactors in the 80s/90s that there would be a market for things the correct dimensions to fit that space. I have zero use for a wine cooler, and replacing the compactor with a modern model would be the same cost as replacing all of the base cabinets :face: I'd like to still be able to use the space for garbage since it really is in the perfect spot (since we food prep on the counter above it) and just ugh. I do think I'm probably going to end up having to build my own solution which is annoying cause I was hoping for an easy fix on this one. Oh well. At least the compactor is gone :rofl: I had assumed that the gross musty smell was just from having trash in there but it seems that the entire compactor unit just has an aroma of rotting corpse. Hubby is gonna have a blast taking that to the dump this week :rofl:

Laptop is back, but for how long?
I think I'll do some key back ups and then attempt a clean install on Win10.

Bill I have had both Lenovo and Dell laptops that the sleep sensor on the laptop lid gets out of sync and the laptop hibernates. What you did by taking the battery out for a while until the fly power is all used up should fix it. Just reinsert the battery with the laptop closed wait a minute then open and start the laptop normally. This will get the sleep sensor back in sync. If that is the problem. Of course back-up is alwasys indicated at the first hint of trouble :crying:
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