Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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That's the way I used to be. I built my own computers. I just don't have a desk or a place to put one currently. My laptop just sits on one of my nightstand next to the bed. And that's an easier arrangement for me right now.
I saw some of the all-in-ones that were in my acceptable price range, but I know nothing about them.
Yeah I was looking at those too I would say they about like a laptop with without the tower they also have mini pc’s too :wall::joy::goodluck:.. I have been out of the pc market for awhile hadn’t had much use for one but now I do so getting back in… I am always a fan of apple but the price kills me
I've got a bolt in cage for a mustang and an 8.8 rear out of a cobra just sitting in the shop collecting dust with no plans to use either. I have a welded cage in my mark one now and it's going to be cut out so I can bring it back to the street. The rear end is a custom Curry Industries 9 in, so stock 8.8 is quite the downgrade.
That should be enough to pay for it later this month.
I'm a low speed thrills guy and like bouncing off rocks. I need to do a legit cage next year because I feel myself getting into crazier spots were backing down isn't an option.
I'm a low speed thrills guy and like bouncing off rocks. I need to do a legit cage next year because I feel myself getting into crazier spots were backing down isn't an option.
Yeah, if you're out rock crawling or something similar, you do need a cage. I was sure glad I've had a cage when I needed it. I totally trashed my favorite little fox, but it did save my ass! Busted my helmet on a padded tube, so hit with pretty damn hard. Didn't get a concussion but no crack skull! LOL!!
Started cooking…..ended up with some type of Chinese style beef and broccoli thingy :haha:View attachment 1537228
Nom! Hubby went straight to GoW last night so I fell asleep without eating. He woke me up at 4 something and I ate half the leftover fried rice and went immediately back to sleep lol
Nah, cats like to play with their prey :rofl:
My Misty wants to play.
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