Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I'm going to try it one more thing before I call it done with this laptop.
It's battery is poopy, but I'm gonna pull it and clean the contacts well.
It's plugged it back in with it and tried the power button. The indicator light that there's power where you plug it in and turned red and then off after a few seconds.
It's a shot!

could be the cpu fan is toast :shrug: ppp
I just purchased a refurb windows pc from amazon after my chromebook crapped out after 3-4 yrs and am happy with it it is desktop but <300$ ready to go :headbang:
I do have an older laptop that is still working. I believe it had Windows 8 on it originally. It's an HP also, but it's slower than molasses in February. Unbearably slow!
One thing about it a new laptop. They're coming with SSD drives now. Mucho faster! I just don't know how long they last.
I do have an older laptop that is still working. I believe it had Windows 8 on it originally. It's an HP also, but it's slower than molasses in February. Unbearably slow!
One thing about it a new laptop. They're coming with SSD drives now. Mucho faster! I just don't know how long they last.

Yeah fully concur mine does not SSD but my buddy pc guy highly recomend getting SSD... I figure since I went with a tower pc i can always add one later... That was a main reason i went back to a tower I won't take my laptop anywhere anyways.. and IMO once they die there done I don't know how to work on them as where with a tower pc i feel i change parts easier if needed:shrug:
I've got a bolt in cage for a mustang and an 8.8 rear out of a cobra just sitting in the shop collecting dust with no plans to use either. I have a welded cage in my mark one now and it's going to be cut out so I can bring it back to the street. The rear end is a custom Curry Industries 9 in, so stock 8.8 is quite the downgrade.
That should be enough to pay for it later this month.
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Yeah fully concur mine does not SSD but my buddy pc guy highly recomend getting SSD... I figure since I went with a tower pc i can always add one later... That was a main reason i went back to a tower I won't take my laptop anywhere anyways.. and IMO once they die there done I don't know how to work on them as where with a tower pc i feel i change parts easier if needed:shrug:
That's the way I used to be. I built my own computers. I just don't have a desk or a place to put one currently. My laptop just sits on one of my nightstand next to the bed. And that's an easier arrangement for me right now.
I saw some of the all-in-ones that were in my acceptable price range, but I know nothing about them.
welp I better get back to work had to do some stonerfacation on my floraflex caps since i didn't think it all the way through and 4 of them on my ez-pz wouldn't fit they were overlapping so i had to trim them down via a razor blade and torch :eyebrows::cooldance::shooty:

Also since MOG put eyes on my clips and emitter two of them of grew legs and I lost them so I’ll have to steal two from the solo cup for the main girls
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