Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I was told he may be open for a write-off as a donation to the Org. They are fully tax-deductible.

We'll keep our fingers crossed for you......:headbang:

Interior work should only be a day, so concealment of the grow shouldn't be a problem.

Priority.....:headbang:...I'll never forget one of our old long standing members got Hit by a tornado....took the roof off his building....ruined almost everything he posessed.
They were evactuated...and the rescue services found the remnants of his grow and bloody Reorted him to the Police.....Not a flipping Ounce of Compassion.....:nono:...

Oh yeah, buy a powerball ticket!
No one won Sat?
nope...going to 1.9 bil......jeez...I might have to give it a try..

I Hope One of you get it..........:wizzy:.....

No worries. I like the real deal.
Will drink some Coronas and watch the show :cheers: I’ll snap some photos of it, if it’s severe.
Thank you for your concerns @Mossy :toke:


In Orlando it shouldn't be too bad....the entrance and exit points along the coastlines are what gets the worst due to the low lying land and the full force of wind off the ocean.....
I think it was '79 when I went thru a hurricane in Orlando. it was fairly weak by the time it got there. Best I remember, it came out around Jacksonville, went back out into the Atlantic, gained strength back and hit land again further up the coast. At the school side barracks, all they did was tape the windows. They gathered everyone in the nuke power school buildings when it came thru.
It was pretty much a non-event. Sure AF wasn't the case when we slightly avoided a typhoon close to 'Da PI'. Damn tin can got beat to F! It was about as rough as I figured the brand new Arleigh Burke DD that was our plane guard escort when the Indy change homeport from east to west. That passage around The Horn was brutal. Waves crashing over our flight deck was a sight to see on the TV monitor. I tuned to the aft camera and I could see the top mast disappear between the huge swells. I did sneak up to buzzard nest and take a quick look at daybreak. Made me feel really small! LOL!
I think it was Valparaiso, Chile where the pulled in for repairs. Something about their rudder not functioning properly. They had to play with the twin screws to maneuver.

We lost a BUNCH of life rafts and I never knew water could bend railings. On that tin can, we cracked the hull that was right next to #1 boiler. We pulled into PI and they chased that damn crack for almost 45 days. I never was so glad to leave a port! I needed a break from parting my ass off!:eyebrows::funny: A few days at sea, I thought I had caught the clap and went to the corpsman. He tested me and said I had NSU........non specific urinary tract infection. I asked WTF caused it and he said..........Just too much drinking and screwing!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
65*f this morning and humid as phuc! Dehumidifier running but it is heating up my office to over 80*f, grow is 81*f and 56% rh, fine for the plant but too warm for me!!!!! I removed the window A/C a few weeks ago when we had temps in the 20's f..... :rofl:
Foggy as fizzuk here! :nono:
I think it was '79 when I went thru a hurricane in Orlando. it was fairly weak by the time it got there. Best I remember, it came out around Jacksonville, went back out into the Atlantic, gained strength back and hit land again further up the coast. At the school side barracks, all they did was tape the windows. They gathered everyone in the nuke power school buildings when it came thru.
It was pretty much a non-event. Sure AF wasn't the case when we slightly avoided a typhoon close to 'Da PI'. Damn tin can got beat to F! It was about as rough as I figured the brand new Arleigh Burke DD that was our plane guard escort when the Indy change homeport from east to west. That passage around The Horn was brutal. Waves crashing over our flight deck was a sight to see on the TV monitor. I tuned to the aft camera and I could see the top mast disappear between the huge swells. I did sneak up to buzzard nest and take a quick look at daybreak. Made me feel really small! LOL!
I think it was Valparaiso, Chile where the pulled in for repairs. Something about their rudder not functioning properly. They had to play with the twin screws to maneuver.

We lost a BUNCH of life rafts and I never knew water could bend railings. On that tin can, we cracked the hull that was right next to #1 boiler. We pulled into PI and they chased that damn crack for almost 45 days. I never was so glad to leave a port! I needed a break from parting my ass off!:eyebrows::funny: A few days at sea, I thought I had caught the clap and went to the corpsman. He tested me and said I had NSU........non specific urinary tract infection. I asked WTF caused it and he said..........Just too much drinking and screwing!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Dehydration is a big cause of UTIs so too much alcohol can definitely do it! Big part of why I don't drink often, I've gotten more than my share from taking antibiotics for sinus infections as well as from dehydration while sick as shit for months straight when pregnant.
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