Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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My brother sunk one into my thumb bone when I was taking the darts off the board once many years ago. I can still feel it and hear it when I think about it :bong: :rofl:
Bloody hell mate, I'm not surprised you remember that. WTF was your brother thinking? :eek1:
Well, just completed two autoflower cultivar reviews and a photoperiod reviews… researching old grows is a little exhausting on the eyes, lol. But one, the photo was HSO Passionfruit punch. We’ll prob never see this exact strain again … sad cuz she was a favorite. Last seed has turned into a large girl in the photo 4x4, SCROGGED and about ready for flower.
sounds very familiar actually. But our hound will bug the dearest for food if the hound thinks she might be a better bet. :biggrin:
They know that's one thing I don't do is feed them off my plate.......and she wonders why they have no qualms about snatching from her plate but won't touch mine when it's within reach....
Mars-hydro, not just for cannabis anymore.
I thought I was gonna get an extra hour of sleep, but had to get up at 01:30 to deliver ID and warm clothes to refugee kids in the bull pen at Central Booking
Last time I spent a weekend in central booking you were stuck with whatever you had in your possession and no outside contact at all from like 5pm Friday until Monday morning. It's been a while but, never a fun experience :shrug:
They legalized mushrooms here last year kinda. You can possess an ounce anytime, but they're not legal to buy, sell, or grow :face:
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