Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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I mean ..hell.. our 3 dogs don't don't even bother with my wife when they want's always me...lil whines, a deep woof or two....a nose on the back of my ankle...they got me trained well but they sleep with her..
sounds very familiar actually. But our hound will bug the dearest for food if the hound thinks she might be a better bet. :biggrin:
#fingerdabs? :smoking: :rofl: :pass:

The Science......if I use a plant for #FingerDabs....I'm going to eventually run out of trics......I'm pretty sure they will not How Long will a plant last as a Live Donor.......?

Valuable Science..........:biggrin:...
Well this group is probably going to save me at least $3,000 on something else. A couple of guys have friends and worked at the electric company. The trees that are close to the house that are dead could follow online and they said just to call and talk to a certain guy and they will too to get them chopped down.
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The Science......if I use a plant for #FingerDabs....I'm going to eventually run out of trics......I'm pretty sure they will not How Long will a plant last as a Live Donor.......?

Valuable Science..........:biggrin:...
I wonder if you would get the same effect if you made charas? You could harvest the trichs at your preferred time and store. I remember you saying there was a point they no longer have the same effect…:pass:
I didnt even think of that, now in regards to my exhaust, should I worry about trying to clean all the fan blades and stuff inside my components? I just wanna make sure I have all my bases covered when I do this.
After I chop this man/girl down Im gonna move my stuff up to my spare bedroom for the winter, I think conditions started fluctuating too much in the basement.
If all you are worried about is pollen, moisture will kill it, you don't need anything else. As for the fans, misting the blades and cages will sort them. Other than misting the external parts of the filter, ducts, and inline fan, you don't need to worry about the inside of the system. any pollen in there is not going anywhere. If it was me, I'd just bin the plant, but if you don't want to kill it, you need to trim those balls and get them out of there. The best plan is to thoroughly mist the plant before cleaning it up, that way you won't be spreading as much pollen in the process.

I would not keep the plant for seeds, it looks like a serious hermie to me, those are full on male flowers, not random nanners in female clusters. I would not germinate a seed from that plant or from anything that it managed to pollenate. I'd also think very seriously about staying away from whatever breeder provided those seeds.

Good luck with it. :pighug:
It’s a tough way to live, but someone has to do it…..just so everybody else knows it’s an option….. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :pass: :biggrin:

I wonder if you would get the same effect if you made charas?

Charas was the first homework I Hit.....:headbang:...long held opinion the main trics wit hthe globe head are meant to be Detached......
Under the scope they are lke a golf tee with the ball on top and f the detach they just leave the stump and a kind cup shape.

Anyway....all the reading I've done on Charas they have been Cured.
I Prefer Fresh Bud to Cured....I Think that I'm going to be the same with this...Fresh...

Plus..say med patient......I have pain...I go bruise a bud or the Sugar Fans....rub it on me gums...Done.

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