Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Might get up in the morning and finally switch out the outlets and switches. Not in a huge rush though since I'm gonna have to take the plates all off when I do the backsplash but I guess the ones I don't have to mess with again I can do. Meh. I've got another week and a half before I can put up the backsplash since the paint has to cure for 3 weeks. I've got the stain for the lowers picked out but I gotta grab that still. Need to make a decision on the drawer thing before I start all that though. Which means I need to get measurements next time I go downstairs so I can figure that out :rofl: Trim needs painted next, then I can put the chalkboard back up and get that out of the hall lol. Then staining and maybe a cabinet to drawer conversion :rofl: then backsplash, counters, and the floor lmao. No sweat :rofl::rofl::rofl:
The first ones looked at me weird enough that I started trying to figure out what the fuck was going on…..then I heard myself the second time and just laughed out loud and pretended like nothing out of the ordinary was going on while changing course towards home :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :pass:
What it just came out..... duh hello :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Got the RO hooked up and seeds soaking :eyebrows:

Anyone else hear that old alka-seltzer commercial when dropping seeds to soak?

Plop plop fizz fizz.....


0 ppm :cooldance:
……just took Duder for his walk. Said Good Morning to two different groups of people before realizing I was too stoned to be talking to normies :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That was me at Walmart just now! ;) :rofl:

When going shopping for wall stuffs u gots to get on the level! :woohoo1::smokeit:

No eggos in dis mudda fukka! Homemade buttermilk waffles and some smoky links for tonight’s din-din! :headbang:

Woke up at 6am to help moms with the usual Saturday routine! She went to a new farmers market that was like 30min away and of course she forgot 2 totes of product! So left house at 8:30 and dropped her and all the product off and drove home! Took her stuff back and drove home again and only had time to come inside and pack a quick refill on my “king palm for da road” and was out the door again! Wound up not getting home til 3:30 and was hurting and tired as fuck so needed an easy dinner! :thumbsup:

Luckily my road trips weren’t made empty handed :eyebrows:


Didn’t get home where I was done running around til 3:30 but at least by that time I had already taken down 2&2/3 kingy palmers so I was at least uber toasty! ;) :pass:
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