Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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Well damnit, we were planning a party at your place to take care of it. :smoking:

yup thought about saying same thing guess more fun for us :headbang::smokeout:

……just took Duder for his walk. Said Good Morning to two different groups of people before realizing I was too stoned to be talking to normies :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:crying: did they say anything back?
Call it a mental health emergency and take it easy and get at it in the.morning.
I like that idea, but I also like thinking all I need to do is go buy more soil, fill my bags and switch everything back on. Oh well I probably will just do it tomorrow. I did just finish working.
yup thought about saying same thing guess more fun for us :headbang::smokeout:

:crying: did they say anything back?
The first ones looked at me weird enough that I started trying to figure out what the fuck was going on…..then I heard myself the second time and just laughed out loud and pretended like nothing out of the ordinary was going on while changing course towards home :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :pass:
Ugh, just realized there was a full loads worth of jars and storage containers on top of the deep freezer still :face: running them now lmao. Think I need to go lay down for another smoke break my back still hurts and I can't do anything else till the washer finishes in like 4-5 zomnuts lol
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