Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '22. 2700 pagez & 483k viewz

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mmmmmmm, hot dogz......and stuff :hump: ppp
well she didn't tell me what the sides were just said "stuff" then "I'll be back" guessing mac and cheese but who knows :shrug: BUT i better get busy or I am in trouble :rolleyes1::lol::eek1:

Yup it is mac and cheese homemade too:woohoo1: :woohoo::drool:




Good Morfnoevight all you Happy Caturday Stoners.

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Jeez @WildBill just because "Wild Bill" rode horses into a tornado don't mean you need to. On the one hand it sounds as if it could have been much worse if it was a tiny bit closer but hell a tree on the roof is no picnic. I am sending some good Karma in your direction.


We need to batten down the hatches here as a big cold storm is headed our way. I am not complaining we need the water desperately.

I started the day well.

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I appreciate it!
I appreciate it!
If u need help getting the tree up outta there I’m sure I could manage the drive! I’m a cheap bastard as I’ve stated on numerous occasions so wouldn’t want u to get overcharged for something we could knock out for free ourselves! :d5:
I'm a little apprehensive taking canna right now. I was in a really bad place last night...........really bad! I'm still in a crappy area.
I think I may have some help from a Veteran group to check thing out and gather plans. I talked with a very sweet lady that has assured me of help.

here's the destructionView attachment 1535046View attachment 1535047View attachment 1535048View attachment 1535049

Gawd @WildBill :bighug: ...I Know you are probably not Thinking it just now....but you look like you have been Really Lucky....

It Could have killed you.

Do they have escue teams that come in and lend a hand at clearing up all the debris...or is it all left up to tHe individual Homeowner....?
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