Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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As a former cashier I can promise you they don't care lol. They also sell it at the hardware store in the paint aisle, but its way more expensive
Yeah, the paint aisle price was the source of my cost comment. Nail aisle it is from now on...

Not sure on the teller's though, you should have seen the look on her face when I brought a half dozen pairs of XL pantie hose (gnat proofing) to the till. One time when I was waiting in line, a friend showed up behind me. I did not fess up, so I think she is still wondering. :biggrin:
Not sure on the teller's though, you should have seen the look on her face when I brought a half dozen pairs of XL pantie hose (gnat proofing) to the till. One time when I was waiting in line, a friend showed up behind me. I did not fess up, so I think she is still wondering. :biggrin:

Keep em guessing :crying:
Using acetone to clean skin is not the best plan. It penetrates the skin, and carries whatever you are trying to get rid of into the skin with itself. You are better off using that abrasive hand cleaner followed by soap and water. The solvents in the hand cleaner are a whole lot gentler on the body.

That spray foam is evil on skin. Talk about stick... Now how would I know that... :biggrin:
When I looked it up, the mfg recommended acetone and Petroleum jelly, so we were just following directions lol. His drove him nuts for days and he was picking it off like crazy. I just left mine alone and it pretty well peeled off from regular hand usage. We did try the lava soap but it didn't really do anything at all lol.
Yeah, the paint aisle price was the source of my cost comment. Nail aisle it is from now on...

Not sure on the teller's though, you should have seen the look on her face when I brought a half dozen pairs of XL pantie hose (gnat proofing) to the till. One time when I was waiting in line, a friend showed up behind me. I did not fess up, so I think she is still wondering. :biggrin:
I've seen plenty of guys buy xl+ lingerie so that wouldn't have thrown me at all lol. Really springing for the good stuff, buying it from wally world lol. Then again I've always been of the "let people do what they want as long as they're not hurting anyone" camp, so there's that. I know I had some really strange ones, but that was a decade and a brain injury ago, and during a manic episode, so my memory is cloudy at best. Stuff like nail polish remover can be used for so many other things. Best way to go about it is to pick it up while you're doing your other shopping. No one is going to question it if you've got cucumbers and rubbers in a shopping cart amongst a week's worth of groceries, but they definitely will if those are the only things you buy :rofl:
I have an embarrassingly large number of seeds for only having grown 15 of them :rofl: may have done a few nights of bored manic seed shopping when I was getting things together to start. @Mossy has already threatened to send me to seed hoarders rehab :rofl:
Well if you get sent I will already be there. Watch out this month is the worst all those damn deals on seeds.
Whew its been a while. In the grow and show for Midwest Widow from Brother Mendel's so figured I had to bring my A game. Forgot the pains and headache of LST. She is pretty tied down at this point. If she does not behave well....:naughtystep:


  • Midwest Widow 103021.jpg
    Midwest Widow 103021.jpg
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I've been sitting here in the tent for so long writing a novel of a reply to a post that I can't feel my damn feet. Hubbys otw home and I need to go start dinner but I'm stuck on the floor till I get feeling back :rofl:
Must be one hell of a post. Where is this masterpiece?
Must be one hell of a post. Where is this masterpiece?
I tagged you lol. But fwiw, I'd much rather spend an hour plus writing a helpful response to someone than participating in a bad faith argument with some troll on FB. My life has been far less stressful since I traded my Facebook time for AFN. And being a kept woman and all, I've got a whole lot of free time (when the kids aren't home, at least :rofl:)
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