Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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ok kidz, we now have 350 pagez in the bookz, with still a week to go in this first month :bravo: fwiw, i have every confidence we'll see at least 1200 this time, woot! :yay1: :headbang: ppp
ok kidz, we now have 350 pagez in the bookz, with still a week to go in this first month :bravo: fwiw, i have every confidence we'll see at least 1200 this time, woot! :yay1: :headbang: ppp
Uhhhh best pick up the pace then! Got 250 pages to get thru in a week to be on pace! :yoinks::yoinks:
Uhhhh best pick up the pace then! Got 250 pages to get thru in a week to be on pace! :yoinks::yoinks:

(some people'z stoner math.... :face: )

Wait I’m stoned how long does each LS stay up for??

each edition stayz up for 3m....soooooo, to make 1200, we only need to get up 50 more pagez the next week, not 250 :face: i'm convinced ur fuckin brain is, u guessed -> fermented :rofl::pighug: ppp
When we were kids ('50's and '60's) they didn't sell Dr. Pepper up north. It was a special treat we looked forward to when we went to visit the Okie grandparents in Dallas. That was before they invented corn syrup, so it was all made with real sugar. Now they sell the corn syrup version up north.
I had an Aunt that kept Dublin in business ........................single-handed!!!! She actually got deliveries at her home from the distributor! She did have two service stations and a convenience/beer store too, I've never heard of anyone before of since. That was many decades! LOL!
I just wish I had the money she spent on Dr Pepper................adjusted for inflation for sure! :eyebrows: :rofl:
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