
You Okay Bud...?
I've spent sat/sunday setting up a new laptop.......

......woooo....I Need to smoke Lots.......
But Gawd...the difference is like night and day......

...might have been frustrating..but worth every minute.
Good morning mossy!
I'm fine a dandy

, or am I?

Just ask George.
Seriously though, I'm all good.

Another day up the hills, two days in a row, has me feeling a bit knackered.
I'm not actually as bad as the slowed music video I posted.
When you paint a picture with humorous intention, you need a little artistic licence from time to time.
It's a bit like the cuppa a biscuit thing - A biscuit is too dry without a cuppa and a cuppa is too wet without a biscuit, or at least that's what I tell myself!

I love tea & bickies! :smoking:

I am definitely feeling the odd ache, maybe need a hot Epsom salt soak, to easy them away, with a nice vape.

When you have to bend down and pick 500 mushrooms and walk miles, to field and then around & around it picking, and then miles back again on foot, the old back and legs start to ache a bit!
It;s raining today, so not point going picking, as the cap is hygrophanous, meaning it assumes different colors depending on its state of hydration. When the cap is wet , it can be a deep hazelnut colour, when it has less moisture in it, they go an off white and are 100x easier to see!
Just tidying up and chillin' today, ready for more hill walking in the week

but at least you know where I am, if I pop out on the odd day until the frosts come!
Setting up a new lap top, oh what sweet joy! You are so very lucky! (Sunday sarcasm)

Your not kidding, what a PITA.
However you daily computing ability has just gone from Morris Minor to Ferrari!!
Wait until you see the speed mentioned on how fast the Morris Minor is going!