Same here.I'm a console gamer so... Don't play on the pc anymore.
I got out of PC gaming when I started only buying laptop as my tool of choice. I had always built my own PCs to game and work on.
More windshield time meant mobile computing won the race.
I was tempted to build something when GTA came to the PC, it turned out as bad as I thought it would be with modders.
As a matter of fact, I'm firing up the PS4 and get on GTA to kiil some squeakers until lights on.

After a couple hits of this Asian Haze hash, they don't stand a chance! I try to see how much of the lobby to get to chase me around and try to kill me. It gets quite funny at times. I have two consoles and can control one with my laptop and the other normally. I'll use the second cobsole to screw with other players in various many hilarious ways.
I try to be creative with playing a friggin game for 8 years!!

Anyone on the PS wanting a few laughs in playing GTAOnline or Red Dead online, shoot me a Pm with your PSN gamer tag. You'll have some laughs!