I transplanted Meph's Fugue State into a 10gal post late last night. With the environment rock stable now, maybe I won't stall this friggin' one.
That cold snap caught me struggling for a few days and I got their feet just a bit too wet.
Gotta chalk it up to a learning experience, but sure pisses me off.
I'm "Mervin" hard for SEEDSTOCKERS SOLO CUP beans to hit my mailbox today. Seed tent will be empty this morning with the chopping of the sweet little Asian Haze clone. Sure glad I took that clone fer S&G's! She's gonna be some really good smoke!
If I get the drop today, two each of the beans get dropped. for the solo cup GnS. Then two or three beans of S1 Stomper and one VidaMints for seed making attempt #2 with injecting STS directly in the stem.
Asian Haze clone will get a fan leaf removal, chop at the base and placed in a drying box upright. She was watered before lights out and it will be chopped at 36hr dark period as a little test.

That cold snap caught me struggling for a few days and I got their feet just a bit too wet.
Gotta chalk it up to a learning experience, but sure pisses me off.
I'm "Mervin" hard for SEEDSTOCKERS SOLO CUP beans to hit my mailbox today. Seed tent will be empty this morning with the chopping of the sweet little Asian Haze clone. Sure glad I took that clone fer S&G's! She's gonna be some really good smoke!
If I get the drop today, two each of the beans get dropped. for the solo cup GnS. Then two or three beans of S1 Stomper and one VidaMints for seed making attempt #2 with injecting STS directly in the stem.
Asian Haze clone will get a fan leaf removal, chop at the base and placed in a drying box upright. She was watered before lights out and it will be chopped at 36hr dark period as a little test.