Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Was it tasty? I still have some Linda's Somango Auto in my seed-stash which keeps getting pulled back in favor of other strains...
She's got a bit of that mango foot funk kinda smell going on (no one can tell me that mangos *don't* smell like feet lol) but her smell when ground was more sweet fruity, not any one specific fruit, more like a tropical fruit punch or fruit salad sort of thing. Taste was not bad at all, I took her down on the 9th and there really wasn't any grassy sort of taste at all, though she was a bit harsh on the throat still. I'll have to give her a shot in the vape and see how she tastes in there.
That's one nice thing about hubby working in a fancy restaurant, they have wine tastings for the staff weekly so they are used to evaluating the nose/taste/effects/mouth feel, etc of various wines. One of his coworkers is an older lady and a stoner and she had mentioned wanting to try out some of my stuff a few months ago when I was just getting started. He's going to be giving her a little bit of each strain and she'll be writing up a smoke report lol. I've liked all of it so far, but they're also my babies so I'm a bit biased, it'll be nice to get an outside opinion.
Happy Caturday everyone...:bighug:..Thank You everyone who contributes to really is a Joy................:pass:
LS is really addictive. But boing AFK for half an hour has it's consequences
On the solo once u put the stem in and it warms up if u pull the stem back out a hair so not snug on bottom of coil it gets better airflow and much bigger hits! ;) :d5:
Vaping a bowl of the somango now, very delicious. Much better than in the bowl. Also super smooth, and I'm quite well medicated.
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