Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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I definitely do thank her by default. My mother beat the manners into me :biggrin:

:crying: Mine too...if I don't say Thank You...I duck...expecting a slap around the lugs.....:crying:

My car was frozen this morning. Couldn’t believe it was that cold, then I let the dog out. Baltic.

Yup...the Aussies have got the sun back for winter..and you can feel the difference....:pass:
Do you say Thank you to Alexa.....?... :pass: ..I just asked for the weather forecast and found I couldn't help myself....:biggrin:

15C outdoor...but the sun is up now....I was up at 5am letting the bloody dogs out..and with the door open it was freezing.......................for the onesie on and a throw over me legs to keep them defrosted....:crying:

Must get the cold frame cleaned out for the new germs....keep them a bit warmer at night...:headbang:
I apologize to inanimate objects when I bump into or trip over them, and they don't even talk back :rofl:
:crying: Mine too...if I don't say Thank You...I duck...expecting a slap around the lugs.....:crying:

Yup...the Aussies have got the sun back for winter..and you can feel the difference....:pass:
We're still in the high 70s here, or 24 if you're in a country with rational measurements lol
We just know that the high is different and that has always been Sativa vs Indica. Now they are just getting to the why behind it. :thumbsup:

They make plastic tools but you probably still need a big box of band-aids :rofl:

OMG I cannot type on my Phone. Hell I have a hard time with a regular keyboard.

I remember that grow cabinet but not who did it. :paleo:
Yup more info we can learn from THCP sound very interesting.

Here you go for the Dresser grow with Blurple LED - Blurple Dresser Grow

I may as well post my PC micro grow cab seeing we are talking micro grows.
I also "Dwarf" my plants to be small compact bud bombs!
I used to call it stunting but see as it is done at a specific time in a specific way, the word "Stunting" didn't sit well with me.
A brief description of my method ( I have explained it many time here before)
I start in 1Liter Long root tom pots.
I grow until first signs of sex in the 1 Liter pots.
I then transplant, this stops stretch in it's tracks as the plant puts it's energy into establishing the roots.
Controlling temp to be even 24 hours a day is important too.
Temperature fluctuation between night and day temps in the stretch period, will make a plant stretch more.
The higher the difference in day/night temps the more a plant will stretch!
That's basically it for "Dwarfing".
PC Micro grow as99 2020-10-30_01-03-13.jpg
PC case micro Grow.JPG
AS99 COB DIY pc case2020-10-30_01-09-04.jpg
AS99 DSCN3164 (FILEminimizer).JPG
Amnesia Stone 99 was grown in 4" pot start to finish.
DSCN7301 (FILEminimizer).JPG

HLG Pumplin Carving Contest
:yeahthat:Click the Link!:yeahthat:
So get Carving, there are
some serious HLG LED's to be won!

(Details in the link)
Why not drop by and see what we have been carving!
(Follow the Link)

Dates have changed!

Entries open October 1 through November 1, 2021.

First polls open November 3 and close November 10.

Final Poll Opens November 11 and closes Midnight November 18.

The winners are by the poll results on November 19!

You carve a pumpkin with a tool that breaks the skin. You may embellish your pumpkins environment in any manner you see fit. You must take a picture or video of it with a code card “AFN Pumpkin” You can photo shop the pumpkin but not the code card. Videos are welcome. Hard Core XXX will be deleted and you will be spooked. You are allowed one entry. That entry will place you into 3 separate polls: One for The Best Ever, One for The Ugliest, and One for The Goofiest. The winner of each of those polls will be entered in the final poll to determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

Enter in here when the thread is open. Entry posts should be just the picture/video only to make it easier for me to copy.

See you there Mwhahahaha!
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Seedstockers Grow & Show
Wedding Glue Auto

:yeahthat:Click the Link :yeahthat:
There are currently approx 8 places left
They will disappear fast
Don't delay, sign up today!

Wedding Glue Auto takes about 11-12 weeks from seed to harvest. Like all Seedstockers autoflowering strains, this one also performs well under 20 hours of daily light when growing indoors. This is the autoflowering version of Wedding Glue, with genetic relatives such as Wedding Cake and Gorilla Glue strains, winners of multiple cannabis cups. Expect to get the same sweet, fruity tones found in Wedding Cake, along with the potent high of Gorilla Glue. This autoflower is ideal for those who focus on high quality and THC-rich harvests; although we have to say that the returns are above the median.

1-Worldwide shipping for 30+ members

2-Prize pack
(€500/1st, €300/2nd, €200/3rd)

3-All members must do a dedicated diary. We can do a community thread where members can post but we would like individual diarys in the seed stockers section

4-Seeds will go out asap. USA/Canada/other members none Europe will take a little longer to land.

Solo cup events do not count towards your two grow&show limit. :pass:
You must be able to start within the the next month!!!
On another note... I'm planning going indoors, but now have some decisions to make. I have two spaces I could use...
One is 70cm/25.5" high x 60cm/23.6" deep x 60cm/23.6" wide.
The other is 140cm/55" high x 40cm/16" deep x 60cm/23.6" wide.
In the first space I could place a Secret Jardin DP60 or a Homebox Ambient R80S. But it will be a low ceiling...
The second space is a cabinet which is perfect for myself as a DIY'er, but it's only 40 x 60cm floorspace...

What do you guys think?
You will have quite a challenge to utilize the 70CM high space but it is possible.
I've have harvested 1.5OZ from one plant in a pc case but it is a chore doing so.
However you could utilize both spaces.
You could start seedlings in the lower space a couple of weeks before harvest, which would give you a shorter time between harvests.
Once you have removed the seedling in to the larger cab after harvest of first crop, you can use the smaller space for drying you harvest.


This is a seedstockers Fruitcake I grew in a 60CM x 60CM grow tent 120CM high.
So I would use the the cabinet as the main grow cab and the smaller space as mentioned as a seedling nursery and drying cab in brown paper bags!
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