Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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EEEEEwwwwwwwwww shyte I just opened the cry-vac pork rib roast I planed to cook for linner. OMG it stinks to high heavens. Plan B I just put some beautiful rib chops cut and frozen from the Christmas pork roast in the sous vide. Linner will now be served at dinner time :rofl: Well an extra hour and a half to ............... wait for it............................ dabs. I suffer so much.
As a young adult, I used to get high and one of my fav things was to sit back and mentally travel to a place. Most of the time I flew there........not in a plane. It was the same time I was trying to consciously manipulate my dreams, once I realize I was in a dream.
I got quite good at both............and them I joined the Navy. Holidays have really become a problem time with the dreams. I was still up this morning at 4:30 this morning. Waking up in a fuggin cold sweat, adrenaline raging rush, and ready to 'eliminate' whatever the hell I see, has been making me reluctant to sleep I think. It's not a conscious effort to stay up either.

I need to take ownership of my dreams like I had as a kid. They'll probably cycle down after the first of the year, but another 'trigger' date won't be too far off. Yeah, it screws me up pretty bad for about an hour or so after I wake, but the lack of sleep and rude sleep interruptions just screws horribly with my focus. The cold sweat waking sucks, but the focus crap is the REAL issue. I FUCKING HATE IT! With the 4hrs sleep this morning, it just sucked trying to get stuff done. It just doesn't set well with my A-type personality and mental functions. I had to step back and regroup several times.

I know some here have commented on shrooms and peyote helping 'reset' things, but it’s just not an option at this time with no one to do it with and help me through it and I'm not doing it alone.

Anyway, I think the Asian Haze is a good start for the kinda high that I was used to back in the day to do my 'traveling'.

Here's one that I liked listening to while 'traveling'.....yeah, I made a 'traveling mix tap' with Pop's dual tape deck BFR.......Big Fuckin Radio.

Hey @WildBill u know if u had split that up into multiple posts u woulda put us over 1100! :eyebrows::rofl:
Think my outfit screams “yes I smoke weed” but luckily nobody can tell who’s underneath the getup! :headbang:
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